Character Stuck Self-Service Page: Request for Text Change

Could we please change the Character Stuck self-service page to inform users it will teleport characters to the nearest instance portal or graveyard? Currently, it says “nearest graveyard” which is not accurate, as oftentimes, instance portals will be closer and chosen over a graveyard.

This is relevant for users as instance portals are more often inappropriate for character level or faction, with the service also including PvP instance portals and mini-instance portals in its list of potential candidates which may result in the character still being stuck.

Alternatively, the service could be updated to chose exclusively graveyards as potential unstuck points which would likely reduce the amount of unstuck requests needed.

Hypothetically speaking, of course, characters could be moved behind a locked gate, for instance. Surely nothing of the sort happened recently!

This is something you’ll want to submit using the in game feedback option or move your thread to General Discussion. Customer Support is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from Suppor Forum Agents. They cannot relay feedback and suggestions from here.


Website Bug Reports would be a more appropriate forum for suggestions for changes to the website and its various pages.


I’d go one step further and say the Support Site Feedback forum, even.


Yeah, that would be better, wouldn’t it? Completely forgot about that one.

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Good call!

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