I last played WoW, I think, March of 2021. over the last couple months I had been arguing with myself about whether resubscribing would be worth it. I finally decided to pull the trigger and redownload the game and resubscribe.
Upon logging in, noticed my “main” or primary characters had a gear symbol next to it. “Processing… could take several minutes.” I don’t know how many “several” is to blizzard, but so far its been thousands. I put in a ticket over a full day ago, They sent me an automated ticket response telling me to scour the forums, and support page to fix this problem myself, then “resolved” my ticket. Only for me to have to reopen the ticket, and not get any resolution so far.
I had skepticism about whether this game would be worth it, and i was right. It is NOT. customer service is slow and terrible.
Just out of curiosity, were these characters on the Classic or Retail realms?
Classic just went through a pretty major server shuffle which may have resulted in your characters being moved to a new server, but that might take time.
If it was retail, then it’s odd that you would get such a message. It’s hard to say with the info you’ve provided so far.
You might just need to wait on the ticket you have open unfortunately.
These are all retail characters. my first thought was maybe it was just a level/item squish issue but i had definitely logged in and played since the squish.
That’s all the info I have unfortunately! I have tried reinstall, i have tried the scan and repair. I’ve ran it with and without addons.
I’m just super discouraged because I had many doubts before resubbing and i feel like all my doubts have only been validated.
This can happen with certain categories of tickets, but on the bottom of the response it will suggest reopening the ticket if further help is needed. Often times it is because players will find out their own issue and fix it before a ticket can be answered, but reopening the ticket will bump it back into a higher priority queue.
However, just to check, have you simply tried logging into those characters? It would not be long enough to force a name change, perhaps it’s just the list updating itself, but if you log in to each character does it given any error message?
What was the actual response? with out posting names.
Ultimately, when you do get this fixed and the ticket is closed, make sure to answer the survey.
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I have tried to log in, it says “You cannot log in until the character update process you recently initiated is complete.” (I have not done any faction change, name change, server xfer, etc.)
The response wasn’t from an actual person, it was a “Blizzard Support” automated message that ticket times are slow and it gave me links to the main forum page, the support page, and a link to a game guide.
I understand it can be a process for a ticket to be created, gm assigned, looking into the issue, and for several types of possible fixes to be done, but it is frustrating to me to have spent the time and money downloading and whatnot. And then to open a ticket for it to take literal days before it even gets to the point of a gm being assigned.
Reopen the ticket for sure, that ability should be on the bottom, and again will bump up your ticket.
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I did re-open the ticket, even before posting this. I should have included that. My apologies.