Character perception in WoW 10.0

Hey Devs,

Recently I’m noticing there is more and more importance placed on my character to save reality as we know it and I would like to propose that in the next expansion we just go back to being adventures rather than champions or heroes of Azeroth. Honestly, I just want to be a wandering adventurer like in the old expansions of wow.


Ask to be called ‘Savior of everything’ without asking to be called ‘Savior of everything. Did I do that right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah, I’m sick of being the savior of the world. Take me back to classic where I can kill an elemental lord that wants to destroy the world then kill a troll god that wants to destroy the world and then kill a dragon that wants to take over the world and then kill another dragon that wants to take over the world and then kill an old god that wants to destroy the world and then kill a lich that wants to destroy the world


We didn’t do that on our own. We always had the help of armies and NPCs.

Now we’re literally the Maw Walker, the Prophecized One.

This was my thread on it:


How do we do that when we’ve killed actual Gods?

Well, Thrall went from green Jesus to farmer boi who can barely 2v2 rogues so I mean its possible


It’s so weird when you’re a Warlock and everyone’s talking about you like you’re a champion of the light.


I don’t have any attachment to the player character being a god-savior either. In fact I find it hard to relate to, even in a larger-than-life fantasy context. At a certain scale/power level it becomes difficult to sustain disbelief.

As for beating bosses in raids, I always thought the fantasy of being one of an army made a lot more sense than being the one.


and Thrall can’t even remember my name.


Heh, yeah it is. I was sooo frustrated I stared back at them and cold stomped a cute puppy to death. They jeered at me so to save face I pulled out an undead kitten.

Awwwwww!! Sooo cute!!! (Phew they bought it, now to raise this puppy before the vulpera gnaws in it like a chew toy) ….slips away from the crowd….

I laughed hard at this. :rofl:

Its really hard to remain a nobody after your character fought both the Lich King and Deathwing and managed to actually win.

But at least they were all threats rooted in Azeroth, and at about the same threat scale. They didn’t feel the need to constantly one-up each other by a ridiculous degree each time.

Those old villains didn’t stab the entire planet with a sword the size of god, only to be revealed to be the pawn of the next big bad who orchestrated everything and was super duper 10x more betterer power-wise, who only did the bad things to save us all from an EVEN WORSE big bad.

It’s the exponential escalation and how ridiculous it’s gotten that’s the problem. Saving the world from dragons and liches is fantasy bread and butter; saving the world from Satan exactly once is okay, too. But saving the world from Satan, then having him stab the planet, and then turning around and saying, “But he wasn’t the real Satan! This guy, who you’ve never heard of before, is the Real Satan! But wait! He’s actually just misunderstood! The real Satan is a thing so terrible, you’ve never heard of it and we can’t bear to mention it even now!” is just ridiculous.

Please give me dragons and liches and troll gods. For the love of Hakkar, please!

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We haven’t at least not alone, and not 40 man for sure…

If that would be the case those capital cities should be flooded with “my” character statues all over it “the lord and savior - Murder Hobo”