Character Not found

Same. Trying to switch toons, all toons are gone. Select my realm I want to log in on, find my list of toons, select to log in, getting an error saying Character Not Found.

Same here! Got character not found! Why make a pre-patch and postpone the expansion with the excuse of making it perfect if can´t even make the pre-patch good! Jesus

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yeah i was able to log in just fine like 30 min ago but when i came back the “Charater not found” error poped up after trying to log in to my charater

Same problem…

No character found after logging out for about an hour. WTF blizz i thought we were past this crap.

was logged in fine playing but got really bad 1500+ world latency, logged out and when I came back in the realm list is showing 0 characters

Still getting the black character screen.

Same issue Mal’Ganis. Played fine last night.

Same here Area 52

Seeing this issue for the first time, on a character i was playing earlier today… Now all my characters are missing on all realms

2 days character not found


Same has happened to me now no matter which server i try to use pre-existing characters, none can be found. I can see and look at them but not use them. Plz fix ASAP…

Same issue on Bonechewer with all of my characters. Also when I try to make a new one, it times out when I hit the finish button.

Well isnt this a kick in the teeth. Waited all day to jump in and play and all i get is character not found. Really a huge bummer after working 12 hour shift


same issue every toon

It is taking me a very long time to log in and find servers. Then I am also having character not found issues despite playing minutes before. I was just switching characters and then bam, not playing anymore. :frowning:

Can this get fixed please. It’s another of bad bugs.

my issue
as well man

no characters found when they do load all say no character found on proudmore, thrall and area 52

Wanted to share, this is happening to me as well. US servers, 10/14/2020, 1740 hours PST. I logged in, and had no characters, on any realms. After approximately 10 min, my characters showed up. When logging into a character, I get “Character not found”.


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