Character not found

Hi friends, any updates? Anyone have been successful in attempting to login? Been trying for the past 3hours :slight_smile:

I have been successful, made a new character, and that character already exists so I can’t log into them nor can I delete them xD

Having the same issue.

Hello! I logged in for a few hours earlier, but it can only find characters on one of my realms.

It took me over an hour for logging in to get my characters to show up on the server log in screen. Now, trying to log into any of them on Windrunner I get “Character Not Found”.

I am still having the same issue hours later. As much as this sucks I am glad that it’s not just a technical issue on my side. It’s still amazing to me that after so many years Bliz hasn’t ironed out these types of issue which happen EVERY time they make a few changes.

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Whatever you do, if you get in the game don’t log out or alt + f4 if you start lagging heavily and cant play. I cant get back in now, I spent an hour and a half dealing with the “no character found” then finally got in and now back to step 1.

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Same problem here, only on Area52 server. Logged out and now all toons are gone


Same issue, no characters showing on the realm select for Illidan.

Was on earlier, did a heroic and some m+ and now my characters aren’t showing. :grinning:

I wasn’t playing when BC dropped so I’m glad they are letting us new players experience what it was like. Lol

Same here. My son is logged in and experiencing no difficulties.
I get “character not found” on each of 3 different realms I have toons.
I hope the fix is soon!

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Could be a coincidence, but from the Blizzard Launcher, I went to Settings, then on General, I checked Allow Multiple Instances. I launched WoW and it worked.


I tried my best to not log out but I got disconnected anyway. Classic lol

Yes this is ridiculous. Blizzard probably has 5 pasty asthmatic kids working on this with masks on and 3-4 have passed out by now wtf.


BFA strikes out one last time by scaring us with total character deletion… This devil expansion wanted to give out one last good middle finger before it was gone!

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Same exact problem mind blowing how much the ball was dropped, not pleased.


Was able to play earlier today (remoted from work) and now home character not found. Yay :frowning:

Yup. Never had this happen in beta or PTR :unamused:

Blizzard was most likely aware of this heading into today. The problem is the same one we have every xpac, they don’t want to invest in more login resources when they know the population will drop like a stone a month after launch.

They drop the patch, see what breaks, go radio silent while they fix it and ignore the angry players.

Its worked for 16 years.

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