Character not found

I can’t find any of my blackrock characters

I just wait a month before I play the expansion

I was getting this at 7 and I’m still getting it now. I tried to make a new character and I’m now getting the “character creation timed out” popup.

10/10 prepatch. you guys probably should have delayed this as well :rofl:

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Same I see my characters but when I try to log in says character not found.

Got DC’d and I’m back to ‘character not found’ :frowning:

same here all of em gone

Thanks! This worked for me. :+1::+1:

Now I’m peeved I can’t fly on my durid alts who had flight yesterday. :-1::-1:

I just restarted my computer and then scan and repaired. And now I am in. I should note that I had been playing around 630, and when I came back it didnt work anymore.

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Dont know if it will work for you guys, But I disabled ALL add-ons and it let me in.

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this worked for me. feeling dumb for not thinking of it. thank you.

Yep…it’s every single realm currently.

Agreed! I saw a forum post back in August for the PTR realm with the same issues. AUGUST. You would think that would be one thing to fix that should have been a priority…

Well I haven’t really been intimate with my wife for a few days. Guess I’ll go give her attention while I wait

same crap here, I am about to tell paypal I want a refund on this xpack and game time I paid for get sick of this crap only came back for pre patch and maybe the xpack and now cant play either one let alone log into my toon

I logged in to realm list and have no characters on any of the realms i play on. They are all gone. I have tried restarting several times. They were there earlier today.

Same. When I finally get in? "Character not Found"

I swear this happens every pre-patch/xpax drop. Im going to stop trying to play in the first week. I feel like an idiot for even attempting it.

After 15 years you think I would know better by now to just wait till week 2.


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My realm list shows no characters on any realm either. But when I go into the realms I play on my characters show up.

I just can’t log into any of them. Keep getting “Character Not Found”. And I noticed that all my Allied Races are locked in the character creation screen even though I’ve unlocked them.

I have no characters whatsoever on any of the realms i play on even when i select that realm.

I finally have characters show up on my realms after awhile. But i get character not found when i try to log in with them. I also tried to create a new character and at the end of character creation I get “Charatcter Creation Timed Out”…

Says I have no characters on any realm