Character not found

Nobody deleted anything,
most likely the login server is able to communicate to the database / backend whichever serves the characters, whereas ingame server unable to do it / can be due to a 1000 reasons, the main one being (most likely) legacy code which they try to juggle and maintain since the original release.

im getting the same error as well on kul’tirus server

Ditto… only it stalls closer to 70% I’d say.

Heard creating a new toon fixes it. But now im getting “Character creation timed out.”

Probably be best just to try again tomorrow when things aren’t as crazy.

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Same here. That’s it, I’m going home to play HK Island Adventure!

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I have this same issue on my main. I can log into all others with no issue. I tried renaming my cache,interface and wtf folders with no luck. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Receiving the same error now as the folks above me on Arthas and Andorhal.

Same atm. Was able to log in earlier but, alas, no longer.

I’m getting a black character selection screen.

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Yes, first is my character screen is taking forever to load, now all my characters shows “Not Found”. It was okay 5 min ago.

Same here… on both my servers, Zul’jin and Stormrage. All my characters are “not found”. 15 years of WoW and we can’t never have a smooth expansion launch xD

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To be fair? Legion’s launch was perfect.


I too am getting “character not found” when trying to log in.
I can see my characters but after trying to log into one, I goes back and says character not found. Can’t even create a new allied race character either : P


Don’t you mean Activision? Blizz is a sell out and why we have so many dam issues!

I have 52 toons that can not be found!!! WTH been trying to log in for an hour. Restart pc, clear files, do a fix on the game, reinstall… WTF!

I am having the exact same issues also.

I am also getting this error, hopefully this gets fixed soon. I was on as soon as the patch went out but I got off for a few hours to come to this

i am having the same issues as well i log in and it loads 85 to 90% and then kicks me back out to the character screen. i dont think they are lost they are just having some issues. i logged into one of my toons earlier and made some cosmetic changes logged out to move some gold and then was not able to get back in… character not found.

Yeah, I can’t log in to any of mine either. None of them can be found. Oh well. I expected issues to occur at some point.

all of my toons gone 25 not found woeful

Can’t log in on any character due to this.