Character not found

Happened to me a few years back, and I had to check a few times for the WoW client to update properly.

yeah all of my characters across my account are saying character not found

Yup, same thing happening to all my characters on Earthen Ring. And when I go to create a new character all of my Allied Races are locked

Happening to me on all servers I play on. Stormrage, Area 52 (when it was up), Thrall, and Sargeras. Even tried to make a new character. It times out. I can see my character lists and select one to enter the game on. Loads to about 90% into the game world and then kicked back to character selection with a message saying “character not found.”


Probably in a week or two. Then it will happen all over again when 9.0.2 hits live. :japanese_goblin:

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Same, cannot get past the 90% mark and says “Character Not Found” But my wife right next to me can get on any character. GG blizzard

LOL when it ends it will end they mess up each patch remember a few back they patch made the game crash for 5 days. One day they will get it right until then we can say how we feel.

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Its Funny only area 52 server is down lol

Literally after posting my comment I got into the game, I guess complaining works guys LOL

wait until you get DC LOL

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they are now doing a Download as I type this LOL

Didn’t help me…lol


Oof you called it Aadonn .

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Sry I was logged on for 2. 5 secs and poof then all my toons went bye bye lol I had 30 level 120’s I busted my butt on now have to level them again grrrr

update done all toons still gone and cant make a new one lol

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Logged out. Restarted pc. Game had a new update just now. Installed, yet still getting the same “character not found”message.


it seems the game don’t want us to play today grrr

If you really think that your a fool. Given that you also can’t create characters, the issues is obviously something more indepth than they accidentally deleted thousands or characters

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I am sure it is more then them deleting ppl toons when I can see alot more servers going down I am sure they know they really messed this up.

well I was about to make a new toon then it timed out lol