Character not found

Getting it on Turalyon

Same thing ( Zul’Jin ) . I was in for 10 minutes, then got knocked off game, now all characters not found ( also on another realm with 4 other characters ).

I’m having the same issue. Even went to character customization (I’ve got all races unlocked) it shows them locked. I’ll get 90 percent in and says “Charactet Not Found”


Finally… just got in on Fenris

Zul’Jin, same issue. Does everyone having this problem have a authenticater? I am wondering if it’s related to that.

Been trying since the servers came up… No allied races either…

Guess I don’t have to wait till midnight.
Just getting to 7 PM and in the middle of logging in a toon.

Area 52 now offline lol way to go wow

Zul’jin, Sargeras, even tried a “NEW PLAYERS” server I have a toon on … same thing, character not found.

Money well spent!

This is getting super annoying. All of my friends are on and playing with no issues but all my characters get the “Character not found” message.

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Same issue as reported. Log in. Black screen for about 30 seconds. All character then appear at level 50. Try to enter… character not found. Also no allied races on new character screen.

Restoring character is bugged as well. I wouldn’t recommend deleting and trying to restore like I did.

All my toons are there

90% in getting character not found, tried to create a new character, says character creation timed out.

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised. After over 10 years playing, problems happen every single time they add new stuff. I should either be prepared for it or they should learn from their mistakes,not sure which one would be better…lol.

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Says the guy who likely plays Beast Mastery. The easiest spec ever made. 97% pet damage and no skill required to play.

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so frustrating

WOW now all my toons are all gone from all the realms I played on. cant make new ones so I guess I will go to bed and I hope they have it fixed when I wake up. Very Sad Face.

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Happening to me for past hour on Destromath

Also getting this error