Character not found

How your wm on or off has any difference in bad maintenance and patching procedure?

Same here on all servers I try to log in to :sob:

you just keep trying to troll. so obvious it’s sad.

Characters are gone … for good?

I am in this boat too. My wife got right in. None of my characters can be found.

For the sake of testing, I have just deleted my character and am now restoring it to see if that can fix it.


Have to try to get passed the login boss, then past the “Character not found” boss, then have to get passed the “hope to god you don’t randomly DC for literally no reason” boss. Pre-patch surprised me, didn’t expect this many new bosses before Shadowlands comes out.


I was also gettting this for over an hour. I exited out of game completely as well as battlenet and tried again and got in on the first try. Could be a coincidence but it’s worth a try.

Three realms and 8 alts “can’t find” sigh…

They finally acknowledged this…Blizzard CS tweeted out 6 minutes ago they are working on a fix.

Ysera server, all characters “not found.” Also, trying to make a new char on another server, character creation times out. My guess is that the hype and the hard work to make this worth returning to has not been matched with the resources necessary to accommodate the traffic generated.

It’s like the White House was involved somehow.

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Yes they are, my whole guild just deleted all and rolled new ones

I was able to do a KR+0 for like 10 minutes to get a feel of the new changes. And when we pulled the boss, 3/5 of the people got kicked out of the game.

i renamed my addon folder in its entirety and was able to get in finally. not sure if it fixed the issue or if they fixed it but i’m finally ingame

Its just a joke. turning WM on in beta can fix a lot of the bugs.

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I doubt this will do anything as I’ve tried to get in on characters with no addons enabled.

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Ya know… all you can really do is Sigh.

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Yep, wasnt this way an hour ago

They say to try creating a new character (

That times out. Come on man…

Creating a new character first got me logged into my main!