Character not found

So, no one found a fix? And, Blizz is silent… /sigh

That’s because they’re too busy fixing WoW Tokens


Relax man, just a small indy company startup, its not like there has been months of testing on this thing.

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+1 here, azralon

i was able to get in, then i logged out to update the wow-pro addon, then i started getting this error after trying to log in again

There is not going to be a fix on our end. It is very simple. Wait for Blizzard to implement the fix. Nothing is gone for good. Everything will be restored. Just find something else to do while Blizzard gets this cluster f*ck under control.

Same here, all 4 characters on Frostwolf say “character not found”. However I’m on discord watching all my friends log in to the same server and load their characters with no problems.

Same issue with chars on Madoran - probably Dawnbringer as well

Yeah… unfortunately, due to an unexpected feature, we have been squished twice and are now not found…

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Yep, same problem here. Checked multiple characters and servers.

same issue yet they hade more then enough time to fix every bug

Same here can’t log in, I’ve been trying for like and hour and nothing… no allied race either. What a way to ruin a night of gaming :confused: On Zul’ Jin if that is any help

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Same on Zul’jin.

Our Characters are revolting against the power loss & squish.

Same here Wildhammer. Oh well, time for some Night Revels farming on DDO.

same - everyone else in my group of friends is in. deleted wtf and cache. 90 minutes and counting.

I am also stuck with ‘Character not found’. Been trying for at least an hour and a half.

Still no blue post… yeehaw

Yea I can’t seem to get in on some toons… my druid being one of them >_<

I should have know to log out with warmode on this morning.

Same here. I scanned my files and it reported nothing to repair, so that didn’t help.