Character not found

Did you try logging into the realm you know you have characters on and seeing if your characters show up? Mine showed none in the realm list but showed up when i logged into the realm however i can’t log in with any of them.

Yes mine appeared but I can not login into them as well.

same here, “character not found” . tried every fix too. Restarted PC, scanned and repaired files, disabled addons, tried making a new character, cant even make a new character. tried everything, guess i’m just stuck waiting and hoping it works soon.

I STILL cannot log on. It’s been 2 days in a row with the same issue. Weird how every streamer has 0 issues.

Try this: Character not found - #175 by Aragondring-bonechewer.

It worked for me yesterday and today.

Gave it a shot. So far no change. No surprise.

2 hours later update; took a break, came back and still getting character not found, along with the issue of it not displaying my character count. i’ve tried all the suggestions to fix this too, no luck.

posted in wrong thread omg

I often wonder why do people post these things here rather than on a forum specifically designed for game issues (such as the Technical forum or the Bug forum).

Best advice I have seen all day!