Character Naming Rules

So in light of a recent thread, I wanted to look up the actual rules on character naming. I found these two articles, but they’re both somewhat vague. I do understand that this is intentional (rules lawyering and all), but I recall there used to be a few specific restrictions that I’m not seeing in these articles.
This is for player created names:
And this is the in-game code of conduct:

I’m not concerned with the RP restrictions; I know that’s a different set of guidelines. It’s normal realm naming rules I’m looking for. Are there any other articles or references someone can link? Or are those two article the ONLY sources of information?

Thanks for any assistance, and

Many years ago, the naming rules used to look more like the forum Code of Conduct. While the CoC doesn’t specifically cover naming, I still think it has some great examples and details that apply both in-game and on the forums when it comes to posts, character naming and chat.


I guess I’m not following what your actual question is? The two articles you listed are the rules that Blizzard has set out. As you said, they will never give more direct info because people will deliberately go right up to that line.

If you have a specific name in mind and you’re wondering if it’s questionable, if you have to ask it likely is. If it’s another character whose name you are unsure of, just report them.


They aren’t going to list out every name that can’t be used.

I think if we just use common sense then its pretty simple to know which names are ok and which are not.


I’m not looking for the forum guidelines. The in-game CoC (and by extension the naming policy) clearly covers names that are obscene, vulgar, racist, homophobic, etc.

But there used to be more direct information. I’m looking to see if that information is still available or perhaps some of those rules are no longer imposed.

As an example, there used to be a specific rule against having a nonsensical name or jibberish. A name like “oiwerjfwjrf” would be in violation. Is that no longer the case? There use to be a specific rule about using a pop culture name, such as Brittneyspears or Taylorswift. Is that no longer the case? There used to be a specific rule about using a phrase as a name, like “Eatmyshorts” or “Ilovebunnies”. Is that no longer the case?


Names of a real person are not allowed nor any of the other names you listed. Just use common sense.


Which is why the entirety of my reply makes sense instead of your cherry picking.

Yes, the two support articles are the only ones for naming. That’s all there is now.


Do you know when I can find an article that has this naming rule? I know it used to be identified in the naming policy, but I don’t see it in the article I linkes.

How do you know?

How would common sense lead a new player to know that naming his Rogue “Stabyoudead” is a name violation? Or that naming a character “Traviskelce” or “Jerrygarcia” would be a violation.


Ok. So how would anyone know that names like the one’s I’ve mentioned might be in violation? Or perhaps they are no longer violations of the policy.


Those namesand the others you listed are covered under the Roleplay names category and apply to roleplay realms only.

You said you didn’t want to bring up those, but all those guidelines pertain to roleplay realms.

Naming something Taylorswift on a non-roleplay realm likely won’t get you in trouble. Naming something Hitler likely will. Trying to be cute and say “it’s the name of my cat!” doesn’t ecxuse the fact that most people will liken that name to Adolf Hitler. Context and current cultural perception is basically your guidelines, and those can change often.

All the names you listed really fall under “disruptive” category in the CoC for if any penalties would apply. What is and isn’t disruptive falls to the players and the GMs. Players report names they find disruptive, GMs agree or disagree.


That was a helpful link since it does reference the restrictions I had identified, but only in the case of RP realms. So I would conclude that “Ilovebunnies” is a valid name on a non-RP realm, yes? It didn’t used to be that way. There were some exceptions. For example, Tauren (loosely based on Native Americans) were allowed to have phrase names like “Fightwithfire” or “Criesfortrees” or something like that. But generally, you weren’t allowed a name like that. And celebrity names were also explicitly a violation and would trigger a forced name change. If the policy has changed regarding phrase names and celebrity names on non-RP realms, it’d be nice to know for certain.

Seriously? How is “Jerrygarcia” disruptive? Or “Eatmyshorts”? If you’re going to lump everything into the disruptive bucket, then it becomes completely subjective, resulting in inconsistency in enforcement.


Those names have always been fine for nom-rp realms. If they weren’t, there wouldn’t be specific rules for rp realms.

This will be my last reply on here. You’ve been given all the resources for current WoW naming rules. This topic has just turned into a rules lawerying topic at this point.

Yes, it is subjective. It always has been and always will be. They will never release any sort of list of names that would get you in trouble, that would be absurdly long and pointless. Subjectiveness is why there are appeals.

My prior statement still stands. If a name you are thinking of you are unsure if it follows the guidelines, just pick a different name. If another user has a name you are unsure of, report them.


I believe you are mistaken. The restrictions for jibberish names, celebrity names, phrase names used to apply to all realms. I’d like to be sure that those rules now only apply to RP realms before I create character names.

I’d like to be sure about the applicability of those naming rules before I start wildly reporting.


If this thread is in relation to yesterday’s thread where you made a certain comment that got removed by moderation, Pooh, you already got your answer in that thread:

All names regardless has to be acceptable, and appropiate to Blizzard’s naming policies and In-Game Code of Conduct.


I believe discussion of moderation is not allowed on the forums. Please refrain from doing that.

You misunderstand my question. I’m asking for clarification of the naming policy. It seems like the naming restrictions I’ve referenced (jibberish, celebrities, phrases) might only apply to RP realms, even though they used to apply to all names regardless of the realm type. If we can confirm that this is the case, it would be helpful.


Mostly true. They also removed the restrictions on using alt text accented characters in name. Most of the fantasy name rules are only applied to RP realms. That is why the RP realm rules are spelled out differently.

The names are all subject to the basic code of conduct though. Names that are offensive, disruptive, copyrighted, famous names that would cause drama or complaints, etc. - can be subject to change by GMs if reported. RP realms are further restricted to having fantasy names that make sense for the characters.

This is pretty obvious already so I am not sure why this thread exists. I mean, your own name is an example of a violation of the original rules, yet here you are. So you know that the rules for general naming have become more relaxed over the years.


And, as you well know, You will not get anything more than what is in the policies listed. This level of passive/aggressive trolling is getting stale.


This is the only real ‘change’ that has happened.

That said, it should be mentioned names with those that violate other rules and skirt them by using said characters will be read as plain text and treated accordingly.