Oh? Do you have some sort of insider information saying the new character models ARE in fact coming to Classic? Cos that’d be news to the rest of us who played the demo and saw that Blizz went out of their way to restore the original ones and completely removed the new ones.
No, I misspoke. There are already elements in Classic, such as the patching system, the engine, the graphics (weather), and others that are not “authentic vanilla”.
The removal was unavoidable, at least that’s how I see it… Adding them would actually be a bit of a challenge if you want it to work properly…
I know there are some russian kids that hacked the modern models into the old client code, and it does work… kinda…
There are a lot of things however that are just flat broken when you do it that way… That’s not the sort of quality Blizzard wants to be known for… I do feel this is why they eliminated the “Toggle” in BFA because it just did not meet Blizzard standards for quality.
Those systems are likely not going to make it to launch.
That’s also the way I see it too… They have been very strict with their “Authentic experience”
Classic is built on a modern client. Vanilla is dead.
Dude… no.
I asked Ythisens/Sakaar about this during one of his streams a week ago.
Me: “Hey Sakaar, do you know if those enhanced graphics options we saw in the demo are meant to make it to Classic launch?”
Sakaar: “I do not believe so.”
Considering he’s the former CM who had the most communication with us prior to being laid off, I’d say his input has more weight than the tinfoil hats being worn around here.
Ergo, it’s entirely unlikely we’ll be getting those enhanced graphics at launch.
NO, Classic will not get new models because almost ALL of the classic wow gear is not made for the new character models. Meaning you’d have people running around with their shoulder pads clipped halfway through their chest.
I will attempt to explain this situation too you…
Think of the Client and the Server a cup…
The data that’s housed in the Server and the Client are like liquid in the cup…
What Blizzard has essentially done is poor out the liquid (The Legion data) and fill it with a different liquid. (Vanilla WoW data)
That’s the best possible analogy I can give you; the stuff you like that was “Legion” is mostly gone simply be the action of removing the data.
The reason you’re seeing some of the stuff in the demo that was of the Legion vintage is simply because that was a component of the cup, and will be removed / replaced with a “Vanilla clone” version to preserve the relationship between the liquid (game data) and the cup.
Ok, that’s not the best possible explanation I can give but it’s gonna work.
No, you were going strong until you got confused about which thing the cup was.
It’s more like this:
You have two cups, connected by a tether for God knows what reason to two different posts. Let’s say the cups are the clients and the posts the servers, and the liquid in the cups represents data.
The cup connected to the post that represents the internal 1.12 reference server Blizzard is using contains data not in the other cup. The other cup, connected to the modern server architecture post, contains 7.3.5 data liquid.
Blizzard dumps the 7.3.5 data liquid, and has to scrub what’s left of it out of the cup while taking the liquid from the 1.12 cup and putting THAT in the 7.3.5 cup. And the reason they’re switching cups is because the 7.3.5 cup is built more secure than the 1.12 cup.
…Did I do good? Or do I suck at this?
I was thinking about rogue energy tics vs rogue energy flow like in the demo, that’s where I was going with the core of the serer client relationship and that it was likely a component of the base code and not so much the data… Could be very very wrong tho… Just my best guess as to why that was so in the demo.
Correct. I had classic models toggled on as long as possible, i.e., when Blizz removed the option with 7.3.5.
I hated the cleft-lipped sheep mouth of the WoD Tauren model update, so I immediately disabled it.
If you don’t want classic models, you don’t want classic. Full stop.
yea the modern tauren models are terrible. Looking forward to getting the originals back.