Character Locked in Falling when Loading In

I have been trying to login to my lvl80 character on beta… 2 days ago, I was flying from Donagal to Rising Deep and was instantly dc’d. Every attempt to login now results in character locked in falling and dc within seconds. I have submitted multiple tickets with no correction of problem. I have been trying for days to get help but keep getting the run around… “check your computer, delete and reinstall, post on forums”… and nothing is helping. Any fix to this?? Or character gone?

I got the exact problem as well. same location. flying down through the coreway and got dc’d right at the entry to the deeps. I was told there was nothing they could do since they don’t have a character recovery in beta. My thoughts are if you have a beta test then a character recovery option is even more important since its a test environment prone to bugs. Can’t help feels like an easy answer and disappointing.

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It’s the same for me. I was hoping they would practice fixing these characters. I could see a retail main have this happen and someone lose their mind because tickets are over a week to get fixed on releases.

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Retail has the character unstuck service which you can do without making tickets… unfortunately beta does not. My char has been falling through the world for 3 weeks now, I don’t have the heart to delete it and redo everything right now :frowning:

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Are we sure the unstuck service is working in beta? We are not because we can’t test it. But, blizzard can. And our characters would be what they need to test it in many different stuck situations. Keep after them.

Furthermore, even if you wanted to delete it and copy the same chart again, you couldn’t because it surely has email (that repeated email that we all have).
It’s very frustrating. It has happened to me and I understand you.

My main lvl 80 was like yours for 10 days. Whether you believe in witches or not, you can laugh too; but send him an email from another warband chart, on the warband screen you should see that new email. Then wait for the reset on Tuesday.