Instant disconnect between Dorn & Ringing Deeps

A couple of days ago I finished the Isle of Dorn quests and was instructed to fly down to the Ringing Deeps. At some point in my Skyriding down the tunnel I was disconnected, and haven’t been able to log back into my character ever since - as soon as I pass the loading screen and see my character (now dismounted), I get disconnected again with a generic WOW51900319 error.

Normally I would use the self-service tool to unstuck myself, but that’s not available for beta characters. Reaching out to customer support and asking them to just teleport my character also produced no results. Is my beta progress just bricked on this character?

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Hey! Exact same thing happened to my lvl80 a couple of days ago and I have made a similar post about it. Every time I login, my character is stuck falling in the exact spot as you and instantly disconnected with that same error. I saw another guy with the same problem. I did send in 2 tickets requesting a character move and they said “Customer Support is unable to assist with issues related to the WoW Beta. We recommend posting your issue on the official forums where our development team actively monitors and gathers feedback. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve the game during this testing phase”. So as of right now, my character is unplayable so I started another one. But not sure if I want to fly down that tunnel again since several people at falling victim to character lockout.

Here’s link to my original post: Character Locked in Falling when Loading In

Yeah, exactly the same issue. I think I’ve had the same thing happen to me on Retail, but there obviously I can just unstuck my character and it’s fine.

thank god I’m a mage…set my hearth in Rising Deep and will port when I need to go back up… will not take that tunnel with so many people losing their characters :frowning:

I am getting dc’s going from dorn → rising deeps. Going rising deeps → dorn I get game crashes. Last time I got 2 crashes. I wish we could set 2 hearth points to avoid the crash tunnel. I think I will do the tunnel manually now on a ground mount from dorn and keep my hearth in dorn so I don’t have to do rising deeps → dorn via the tunnel that crashes.

Same for me I am still stuck falling and then DC

I found an elevator in rising deeps that I’m using now to get to Dorn, not even going near that tunnel lol

I ended up copying my Retail character again, and just speedrunning the Isle of Dorn storyline so I can get back to the Ringing Deeps. Not ideal, but it took a surprisingly short amount of time. Then I rode my ground mount down the tunnel, safely, and now I am only using the elevator / flight paths between the two zones.

I did the same, my original 80 is still locked between those 2 zones, just started over and got a new one, and yes, will only use elevator and flight paths.

Just adding my own experience here as there isn’t a dedicated post to this bug, but it is very similar.

My character fell through the ground while flying on A’lar over Camp Murroch and landing on one of the buildings, I slid off the side and down along the wall causing me to clip through the floor and get the same error stated above. I’m just trying to inform the devs of clipping issues. Good luck to everyone.