Character creation datale

Is there a way to see when a character was created?

One of the Support Forum Agents can look into it for you on when your character was created, but closest you can get to knowing is possibly be by character achievements, such as level 10.

Apart from that, there isn’t any other way.


Thank you!

While you’re waiting for one of them to have a moment to peek at the forums, providing the character’s name and realm will greatly reduce their guesswork and need to ask questions.

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Unfortunately, because we use a lot of account specific information to help identify the registered user on an account it isn’t really information we can provide anymore. The level 10 achievement is usually the best estimate for the approximate creation date though.


Oh, that has changed now. Ok, thanks for the clarification Vrakthris.


The only downside to using Achievements for this is that those were added to the game at the start of Wrath in 2008, so if your character is from Vanilla or BC you won’t have any achievements as old as your character (I got a lot of achievements on 10/14/08).


Yeah, that is the one drawback. I have a lot of those too on some of my characters.


Thanks for clearing that up!

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