Character Copies are NOT "New" Characters

Because I worked on that toon, and I want it in BOTH versions of the Game. If the point of “saving” the progress, so you can have it in either Eras of the Game (for free), what’s different between that and the Copy? I literally, don’t get it.

I’m going to play both.

That’s great. That’s not my experience nor how I utilize my time, in WoW. The Copy Service is more of a “Casual” thing. By “Casual”, I mean for those of us who find enjoyment in the Game that is NOT Raiding nor even PvP. You’d be surprised how many Soloers are out there playing the Game WITHOUT being dependent on other Players to get them through the Game.

I have A LOT to do, and NONE of it includes Raiding nor PvPing.

EDIT: Now, that’s not to say the Copy is JUST/ONLY for us “Casuals”. It can be used for ANYONE wanting BOTH. I just know “the majority” demograph would be the “Casual” playerbase. The Progressors and more of the “hardcore” players will be moving onto BC. And, that’s great! More power to y’all!