Character choice > min/maxing

I’m sorry but when you go too far to act like before transmog wear what looks cool… thsts totally different then losing 2% dps on a covenant. Recognize the difference between player choice and one person acting entitled in an unacceptable way.

Now some won’t accept that minor dps loss but yeah… that previous comment is just straight snowflake entitlement.

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Never once did I say that. I did say that the vast majority of players don’t actually need to worry about min/maxing for the content they clear though. Lets not start making stuff up.

I win.

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That’s exactly not what you just said I said.


have almost no relation. lol

a participation trophy, yeah. :trophy:

I literally proved to you the opposite, It’s not just world first players that pick classes and specs based on performance. You claiming “We play how we want” is patently demonstrably false through Ny’alotha Normal statistics. Even at that level, players don’t stoop to playing “how they want” and just play the top specs.


If only the different was 2%. It’s not even close to that, some have huge double digit % gaps.

I literally never said it was. Stop making stuff up. I never once said only world-first players pick classes and specs based on performance, not a single time did I say or hint that.

I think we’re done here. I don’t mind discussion, even with opposing views, but I can’t chill when someone is making stuff up and claiming I said stuff I didn’t when all you have to do is scroll up and see how false you are. lol

Maybe we’ll try this again some other day, perhaps not. Have a good one. :wave:

Just random example, I know some are night and day. Rogues good example. For other classes it’s smaller but yeah some are massive.

Really biggest sadness is when the best pvp is absolutely the worst pve. Like DKs…dammit.

This whole thread is you hinting at that. This post now attempting to deny it is literally gaslighting on your part.


I’ll bite one more time for you.

My whole standing on this, along with nearly every single post I have made in regards to this subject boils down to:

It’s really that easy. Nothing more, nothing less.

Dude literally almost every single player min/max …
If you’re looking up builds and talent you’re min/maxing
If you’re trying to get gear with your best secondary stat you’re min/maxing
Purchasing you’re best corruption you’re MIN/MAX
Farming to get you’re best azerite essence you’re MIN/MAX
Using gear with you’re best trait you’re MIN/MAX


He says, as he keeps moving goalposts and pretending he’s not said things we can literally scroll up and quote and deny it even after we quote his own posts back at him.

And I’ve proven to you that people min/max and play the game as well as they can at all levels.

Or else, there would be more Survival Hunters in Normal Ny’alotha of all places.

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People take the path of least resistance and even in easy normal mode he provides factual evidence of this behavior.

Reality is you can play how you like with your friends. Most will expect people to not pick the covenant that does absolutely nothing for them in pve unless their desperately looking for a dungeon buff.


The way I see it is like this.

I understand why min/max are upset, but I don’t agree with them. That is it.

I’m ok with this system right now, AND many systems got taken away or added I don’t like. I don’t try and get these systems removed before I at least gave it time.

That is my main problem with the ripcord people. You might not like the system, but many of us would. It will change again, like all things. Give us time to enjoy it before it does.

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of course not! if you’re content being kicked from group after group for your atrocious dps until you finally find one willing to carry you to your free kill, go nuts.

No one wants the system removed. We want to have the same choice everyone else gets : To pick the Covenant we enjoy and feel fits our character the best.

The ripcord people just don’t want to have to pick a Covenant that is completely contrary to what they would pick to fit their characters, just for the sake of not playing a completely borked up and sub par toon.

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If any time you look up stat or any guide or build for your character YOU’RE are literally min/maxing

Sounds like you should stop relying on pug groups and find a guild or a steady group of players to play with then. Pugs are always the worst.

A guild will tell you after a while to perk up that DPS or go ride the bench some. Any guild, at pretty much any level.

I’ve raided as filler in normal guilds of all places, and when the bosses stop dying, the benching starts there too.


Oh I’m not talking about myself. I’m referring to the people here who seem to think caring about your performance at all is “min/maxing”.