Character choice > min/maxing

I am thrilled to see the direction where more meaningful choice with consequence is being added to the game. Nearly every single RPG worth their weight has meaningful choice, especially in character creation and character progression (character progression should not be confused with power progression). I hope this is a foundation from which many more character choices can be developed for future implementations of the game.

Many players against this excellent idea seem to have this belief that they need to min/max the content that they are playing. The vast majority of players do not do content where extreme min/maxing is a necessity.

Incomplete list of content that doesn’t require min/maxing:

  • open world content
  • LFR
  • normal raiding
  • heroic raiding
  • the first few mythic raid bosses at the start of the tier
  • normal dungeons
  • heroic dungeons
  • mythic dungeons
  • mythic dungeon +2 to +15’ish with passing timer

Unless a player is pushing for world-first there is no reason to not enjoy the gameplay and choices they make, unless they really want to - that’s where the meaningful choice comes in. The player will need to decide if he wants to choose the covenant based on the RP aspects of his character or the sim high numbers aspect of his character, which also comes with consequence
 another part of the meaningful choice, you can’t be the best at everything. You will need to figure out which content means the most to you if you go the route of numbers instead of RPG aspects. Do you enjoy raiding, do you enjoy PvP, or do you enjoy PvP the most?

In the end, players should play what they want for whatever reasons they want. Just know that the vast majority of us are not world-first raiders and do not need to worry about extreme measures in min/maxing.

Give the system a chance instead of coming in with a horribly negative attitude.


If you mean the choice to unsub, then I don’t share the sentiment.

Name any other mmorpg that locks character power behind an rp choice beyond class.

Nope. I’m of the belief that I should get to pick my rp choices independent of my gameplay.



The only choice that truly matters is if you are anti-hedgehog.


I prefer this over the main thread’s topic.


OH this will be a good one. I brought enough for anyone who wants. :grin:


I wanted mechagnomes to be op to see the top players roll that race for lols.

Luckily Pandaren racial is op so shadowlulz is on the way

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I do content that I could probably afk through and my friends would carry me. This is not fun however. I dont want to feel like I’m unable to compete in the content I enjoy because I chose a covenant based on theme or transmog. Getting beat in dps because I chose wrong feels bad. Winning in dps just because they chose wrong feels bad. From a player power point of view it makes no sense locking us in. Also with blizzard balancing it isnt a meaningful choice
 someone will do the math and tell me the right choice. I will then have to choose that or I’m trolling and holding my friends back. From a story point of view it also makes no sense. Leveling up I’m helping every covenant and they are lending me that power
 why does it suddenly stop at max lvl? Also meaningful choice
 I assume you are also supporting getting rid of transmoging and the ability to change hair styles or color or other cosmetic changes? We need to lock people into their choices after all. You know
 RPGs and all that. If you dont like the look of the best gear no content you are doing requires you to wear the best of the best anyway. Just wear the greens or greys that look the way you want. Stop trying to be a min max elitist. /s


I have more respect for you as a poster and hope you aren’t jumping on the pretend to unsub bandwagon.

Were you aware that even races had different starting stats in World of Warcraft? Races were never just a cosmetic or RP choice. Many people aren’t aware of this fact.

But to answer your question, since you only asked for one, then Baldur’s Gate.


Disagree. It actually sours the whole system for me.

Not to this degree. Class, race, faction sure. But another layer on top of these 3 - no. The opposite is actually true - MMORPG worth their weight break down restrictions instead of putting them up.

There are even MORE players that don’t min/max and hate the system because it doesn’t let them test and experiment with the abilities freely in the end-game content they enjoy. The choice is forced on us far too early for that to happen, and because of the punishments associated with swapping around, many players will be left feeling like we have to leverage what icy-veins/wowhead says we should pick. This not only takes away the idea of Meaningful Choice, but it just bolsters the idea of the “meta-game” rather than allowing players the free-will and flexibility to see what suits them personally.

Irrelevant. To many casuals that are negatively impacted, the punishment isn’t a prohibition of min/maxing. It’s a punishment to not allow us to earn different rewards and be able to freely experiment with them on our own without the aid of some “pro” authoring a website class/spec guide.

That’s your definition of “meaningful choice” - that’s not what it is to many casual players that feel like this system is more about punishing choices rather than what we define as meaningful.


Plenty of people want to have it be a player choice, rather than involve min/maxing. That’s the whole problem they have with the system.


Also irrelevant. A couple stats don’t make any real difference in gameplay.

Funny, didn’t know baldur’s gate was an mmorpg.


Derivative, overgeneralization, and a false choice. My meaningful choice is choosing a Covenant I like because I support them. Because i like their story. Because I relate to them. Because it feels right. Whatever the reason, choosing who to support and being locked into a unique story choice is my meaningful choice.

There is a lot of talk about how “min maxers” are upset because they’re not getting the Covenant choice they want because they’re choosing instead an ability they want. That works in reverse too! Someone who chooses a Covenant they want may end up with an ability they dont. There is NO MANDITORY REASON these must be tied together. These are two seperate choices. Arguably both meaningful choices. Why cant we choose our Covenant and then ALSO choose abilities?

Making all choices suboptimal does not make the decision any more meaninful. It just makes people disappointed.


Exactly, that’s my whole point. Players don’t need to worry about min/maxing. Thanks for solidifying my thread.


I haven’t thought of it that way but good call.

:thinking: :+1:

2 abilities, three ability mod trees, and legendaries influence gameplay way more than a couple bonus stats from race choice.

Bonus stats can’t make gameplay feel bad, min/maxing aside. The gameplay arbitrarily tied to covenants can.


can i assume you don’t equip gear upgrades that don’t look good on your character? i mean, trying to improve your stats is just for min/maxing meta-obsessed tryhards, right?


A couple stats is very different from a drastically imbalanced list of best to worst. It’s like saying race choice is the same thing as Corruption choice.

Your profile is hidden, so I assume you don’t do Mythic - that’s fine, but the people who do have to make the choice between what they want and what is best.


This statement shows you don’t understood where people who want power uncoupled from covenants are coming from. It’s going to be hard to have a proper discussion when you dismiss people that way.


I look forward to seeing the system release as is. That way the majority of players will know how bad it feels to have power locked behind these covenants. If you think #pulltheripcord is bad now


I mog my gear, just like you do


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