Character choice > min/maxing

If you don’t like the name of the item, do you not equip it?


Way to move the goal posts, first it’s the way it looks now it’s the name? lol

why bother though? if you like the SoO monk set just wear that. caring about numbers is for no-lifers isn’t it?


The person you quoted wasn’t me, and their post was assuming transmog didn’t exist.

My original point is that you don’t understand people having to choose between power and personal choice - and that’s fine, but it’s not grounds for dismissing them.


It’s better to know about what’s others have said about the subject than no one being truthful.I do believe I’m old enough to make my own choice in this game and when the time comes it’ll be no one elses fault but mine.

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Gif would be better if it wasn’t of a guy that has cried on tv for the past four years.

How has he cried?

Why can’t we have both?

Edit: Variety is the spice of life.

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character choice = min/maxing

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Oh God not this parroted drivel again. LOL

This ain’t a RPG, it’s an MMORPG and you’re full of crap.

Another needless spam thread.

Not an MMO. You failed even more.


How about DnD then.

There are multiple games based upon the ruleset (including the online tools to create online games over Discord/Twitch.

A large part of D&D is about not metagaming, as it tends to ruin it for the people in the campaign as either they mow through everything - or the DM has to balance it around the metagaming.

There’s no difficulty setting for D&D like there is in an MMORPG.


DnD still locks player power behind choices, and most of those choices can’t be undone. (Unless the DM is very kind)

Correct, but roleplay allows you flexibility and it depends on the DM - again, no set difficulty so it’s not the same thing.

I’m not sure the relevance in bringing it up, especially when D&D groups generally don’t like metagaming. It ruins it for other players. The opposite is true for Mythic - refusing to do things optimally puts pressure on everyone else.


People enjoy min-maxing.

They don’t enjoy your troll posts. Go back under your bridge.


There is a meta and some may not like but some dnd groups do like/use it. Some of the rulebooks even provide templates based upon min/maxing stats and abilities.

DMs are the difficulty setting for their campaign, it’s their responsibility to balance the encounters around their groups strength. While ensuring the game is fun for everyone.

Right, it’s something you can do, but unless the DM balances for it, it’s not needed. Whereas in Mythic, it is generally needed to relieve strain on other people.

Which is entirely why people who have to decide want Covenants to be purely cosmetic, so no one is required to choose between what they want and what they might need.

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Covenant choice is like chosing between comfortable and good looking shoes. You can pick only one.

Choice should’ve been between one power and another. Not skins vs. skills


Im personally excited to see the new covenant system, if it adds something new and interesting im all for it.

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People are still going to do it, you’re in a fight against two groups. High end players that need it, bad players that think they need it.

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