"Character Boosts are not in keeping with Classic. We don't want to break any hearts."

That super duper desirable reward of reaching level cap that everyone I know who plays the game has achieved.

Im sorry friend, but the argument you’re presenting isn’t convincing enough. A level 58 boost to people still puts them behind you. You achievements in game shouldn’t be looked at in comparison to anyone else unless you’re in a top 10 guild in the world and are looking to make world firsts. Other than that, if you look at your so called rewards and achievements… They kind of only hold value if you simply are accomplishing it for your own personal satisfaction.

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every reward

All those rewards that other people are getting however will I enjoy all the stuff I do in this game!

TL;DR: Arguments against boosts are weaker than Classic Feral Raid DPS
I respect your opinion on boosts, but why ruin it for the rest of us? This is kind of a “stay in your own lane” issue: if you despise boosts, don’t buy one.
Many others don’t want the tedious monotony of another 100-hour grind on yet another character serving zero purpose while delaying the content they want to play. It’s not a boost to 70, it’s simply a boost to 58 so players can get out to Outland and help fill your groups, raids, and arena teams.
The fact it’s limited to one per account minimalizes any adverse economic or community impacts to the server. Thus, the only harm is the nominal impact on your notion of how you want the game to be and how you want to force the experience of others. Please enlighten me if you actually possess a substantive, legitimate reason the current boost option is problematic.


They say you only get one boost per account. That’s all you need to entice more botting. Big whales to descend on classic tbc to capture the AH and world pvp.
It will be even worse than it is now. More and more classic players being pushed out of the game in favor of big money retail whales.


these type of arguments can be used for anything. Dont like lfr, lfg, or heirlooms, dont use them. Dont like wow tokens or the item shop, dont buy them or from them, and if you dont like boosts, dont buy those either. Whats bad for the game is bad for the game, regardless of what people deem only affects the community on a person by person basis.


They have said that the boost is only available to accounts which already possess a 60. That’s likely reasonably calculated to slow those bots from being instantly profitable with TBC mats on a fresh-spammed accounts. Thus, the boost doesn’t help bots and arguably may slightly hurt them in that it takes an account more levels and more time to become profitable.

“Bad for the game” based on a purely subjective “feeling” one guy on Faerlina has espoused? Where’s the persuasive reasoning we’re missing? All substantive rhetoric seems to support this plan for a limited 58 boost.

Is it “good for the game” that without the boost it would take me another 50-100 hours to level the 3rd or 4th toon I need for arena comps with my IRL friends? It would be “good” for them to be stuck bored and waiting on me while I’m bored out of my mind doing quests and grinds I’ve already done ad nauseam?

Well I guess that might be alright if they can keep their word. But they have their foot in the door and there wasn’t supposed to be ant boosts in the first place. And now I have a notification that this topic will close for 2 months after the last reply. This doesn’t seem reassuring.

That doesn’t make any sense… Isn’t the boost meant for new players to catch up to their level 60 friends?


Yeah I don’t remember them saying that anywhere. In-fact in the interview they even mentioned people that weren’t interested in Classic but wanted to play the TBC and wanted to jump right into it. So I am pretty sure the entire point is for people to just use it once on a brand new account however it wouldn’t be fair to only allow new accounts to use it (also less profitable) so they open it to everyone.

I would be OK with it if they had the restriction requiring a level 60 already as that would solve the bot issue with boosts however I am 99% sure that’s not the case.


I honestly believe that, restriction or no, the boost will be abused by bots/RMT on a significant scale. You can already see it is the case in retail, moreso before the ban on multiboxing software – but I wonder if this is even being enforced.

Itll make ur arena acheivements with that character harder to achieve because you have to grind first which makes them more valuable in the long run because the reward is more scarce, so when youre walkin around feeling proud of your character in game, itll be a lot more sweet of a feeling knowing what you had to do to get there along with knowing that others have to go through the same process if they want to attain what u have. But hey thats just how rewards work right. Its not like we havent seen how convenience features have affected wow before… Lets see what happens


He tricked me! New accounts get the boost. Perfect for new bots. Awwww /hands in the air looking up

Level 58 is not scarce, so by that logic it has no value. It’s not even uncommon, it’s not even something that less than 50% of the player base achieve.

Bots are not buying boost unless the boost is as cheap as $30. It’s about ROI, Bots do not make great gold per hour to afford boost. They load a leveling profit, hit start, and wait for a few days. Another way is to buy max level toons from farms.

Price boost at $40+ then the bot problem is gone.

lol good one

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I’m not talkin about just being level 58. If you take two people who are level 70 with t6, but one player boosted 58 levels for whatever dollar price and the other did not, then the rewards of having t6 and being level 70 don’t feel as rewarding to either player. If I boosted a toon and got everything in the game, I wouldn’t like that boosted character as much as my main who’s achieved the same things, and I wouldn’t feel as good with what I achieve on my main because I know that there’s people in the game achieving those same things for half the effort. My point is that boosts affect the rewards in the game for everyone. It’s not gonna affect them on a very large scale if you compare it to someone being able to purchase a level 70 with t6 immediately, but if you compare a 58 boost to a purchase like that, you can see how being able to buy anything in WoW like a boost will begin to affect the feeling of the rewards and the game for everyone.


Except that level 58 is not the major hurdle in getting T6 hence why it’s not important. Someone hitting outlands a couple weeks after someone who had an existing level 60 will not be a significant factor one way or the other in who ends up with T6.

That’s roughly like claiming waking up in the morning is a major impediment to winning a marathon.

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