Character Boost Professions Broken?

After a lvl 80 character boost from the Cataclysm bundle (purchased and used today) my character’s profession’s levels are showing a progress bar of 0/0 with a hint of green at the start and end of the bar. I’m now unable to herb or skin. I couldn’t figure out where to create a ticket as I kept getting bounced around. How do I get help for this? Thanks.


Hopefully they fix this ASAP. I would like to be able to use the two professions that I had at 375. I’m missing out on leveling them in pre-patch now :frowning:

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If we could get a tiny bit of closure on perhaps, where they stand on this issue… we could decide to unlearn and redo them? Blacksmithing to 375 was not affordable or easy the first time… Maybe they can do something to fix that?