If someone pays more than they intended and the onus is on the customer, then yeah that gives Blizzard some extra money.
I don’t think negative experiences or publicity affects them as much as you think. Nor does the extra money, tbh. Which, again, is why I don’t think this is a big deal.
If this is something that’s literally impossible to do any other way, there’s no way to get a refund after making the mistake, and there’s no way to design it so the player’s cache doesn’t affect the price shown…
Then yeah, that’s just how it has to be, and I didn’t understand that before. No conspiracy is needed for a company to benefit from a customer’s computer problem.
“Exploit” was the wrong word so I take that back. It still literally results in a monetary benefit from Blizzard, so I’m not taking that part back.
I think you have a larger problem than just with me, and you’re trying to connect me to this boogeyman you’re fighting against.
Again, you’re blowing this out of proportion and putting words in my mouth. Ignoring you.
I was under the impression you were the OP, just on another character.
If you’re not, then all you’ve really done here is add fuel to a fire for one single individual, where they may simply have been mistaken.
Are you experiencing this issue? Did you “overpay” because your browser showed you an older price? No? Then all you’ve done is convoluted the situation really.
"It’s very concerning to me that I may be charged more than I was told because my cache isn’t clear.
Edit: removed the second sentence because the word “exploitation” is going too far. I didn’t fully understand the situation. "
Is this better? I don’t want any misunderstanding or to spread any misinformation. I just saw the post and was surprised this could happen in the first place. This isn’t an issue I’ve ever heard of in any other game or industry. It took me by surprise and I overreacted. When it comes to issues of money I get worked up.
And then continued on like you were the one having the issue for 4hours. 4 hours of people trying to help the wrong person. In fact, the OP only posted once.
Yes, I sighed again. Here’s hoping your forum posting issues eventually get fixed
Dude I had no idea anyone thought I was OP. I’m literally not. This was a genuine misunderstanding. I scarcely remember that people can’t tell if you’ve switched characters or not. It’s not something I really do, so that possibility did not enter my head.
Why would I switch characters and not tell anyone I was the OP? Who does that? It didn’t even occur to me that people would think I was on a different character. I’m used to talking on forums where you only have one persona. Does this happen often on this forum? Is this something people do?
I’m just a rando who saw that someone paid more than they thought and expressed my own fear that this could happen to me.
So, for real, feel free to think I’m stupid, or that I don’t understand how and why the pricing works the way it does, but please don’t think I was intentionally posing as someone else.
Quite frequently, oddly enough. Mostly it’s from new posters that aren’t aware they’re posting on characters they aren’t having issues on. Sometimes they make it known, often they don’t. But they don’t do it with any malintent.
There are people on the forums that do have intent to disrupt, however. Sometimes they can be picked out, sometimes not.
One thing I’m personally curious about is you’re given the final purchase total at the end of the process before you confirm the order, which includes taxes and any shipping fees (if on the Gear Store, for example). Does old cached data also affect that final purchase summary, or only the advertised sale prices in the storefront? OP only mentioned the latter.
So I’m guessing Perl thought I was one of these malicious actors? Jesus I really stepped in it this time, didn’t I?
This is what I’m wondering, too. If the final purchase is accurate then that’s definitely a lot less confusing. Still confusing, but I’m less likely to make this mistake myself someday
Nono, I wasn’t inferring that, I apologize. Only meant to state that it isn’t as rare an occurrence in this neck of the woods as some people might first think.
Starting a thread on one character and then continuing to post in that thread on a different character happens here at least eight times a week. We just can’t always tell on our end if it’s the OP or someone else entirely.
Gotcha. I really hope she doesn’t think I did this on purpose. Again, I’m not used to forums that work this way.
I genuinely popped in because I don’t want something like this to happen to me and I want to understand what’s happening.
AND, I admit, because I was already frustrated by Blizzard (which is why I’m on this forum) so I was primed to react negatively and assume the worst after seeing something like that.
Anyway, I hope this is all cleared up now. Like I said, feel free to assume I’m stupid for not knowing how caches or business practices or characters on the forum work, but I’d hate for someone to confuse my ignorance and frustration for malice.