Character already exists

Same here, got locked out while doing the Gearing Up For Trouble weekly quest, wasn’t able to attack the oncoming waves so force closed the game and now can’t log into the character.

just happened to me too on my rogue , got stuck, but my hunter was able to log in afer 30min+

Maybe. It has happened to me on at least 6 different times.

When I complete a quest (though not every quest, sometimes I complete 1 or 2 but it’s the third one that encounters the issue).

And I have encountered it upon attempting to loot in the open world. On this occasion, the loot window appears, with nothing in it, and only half the loot box displays, and from then on it’s frozen.

So maybe in receipt of warbound items/currency/rewards/gold.

Same issue while flying through a resonance crystal in the Ringing Deeps. Lost all character functionality and had to Alt-F4. I keep getting the “character with that name already exists” error for 10+ minutes, even though I can log into other characters on the same account.

Tested chrome time Legion an was able to complete the dungeons. It seems its specific to time walking. Seems to occur after looting the first boss.

Same here.

Donovan - Season of the Witch (Official Audio)

i have 3 toons locked screw this till its fixed … im goin to bed

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“Hey players, WOW developer here. We’re aware of the issue and are working hard to determine the cause of and solution to it. Be patient with us and we’ll let you know as soon as we do.”

See? It’s not hard Blizzard.


Happened to me while looting a crate after fishing, got back in after 7-10mins

It’s annoying they have not said anything. This issue just ruined my guild’s raid and there are random people asking if there are issues in general chat. Clearly there is something widespread wrong and it is not just a single person’s computer.

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this is likely the case, seems related to the tw issue too, for some reason first boss loot seems a consistent reproduction of the issue. I thought it was just in tw as I did a normal dungeon fine after, then went into a delve and had the issue at the checkpoint (I believe after I looted a mob). Just happened so seeing if the afk flag will work to get me back in on that character.

I have had two characters stuck in delves now. I didn’t notice the particular activity that initiated it, possibly looting. One char was released back outside the delve instance after about 30 minutes logged out with all progress lost; the other’s still in there.

I have noticed two of a guildie’s alts being logged in simultaneously, which doesn’t look like the system’s healthy.

Adding my voice to the chorus, this happened to me earlier today.

Momentarily putting on my Dev hat, I worked for a couple of years on another MMO: City of Heroes, so I do know what I’m talking about.

The game detects that you’re trying to log in on a character that the server already thinks is logged in. In CoH we had something called the dbId, short for Database ID, which was a unique number that identified the character.

If a “log in character” request arrived from the client where the dbId was recognised as belonging to the account logged in on that client, if said character was believed to be in the game already then just unilaterally log them out.

For what it’s worth, as far as I can tell, another MMO: SWTOR also does this. You get a failed login the first time, but immediately after you can log that character in: the behaviour pretty much matches what CoH used to do.

So yeah, Blizzard, I am telling you how to fix this, because I’ve worked on a game where this exact problem was solved, and I’ve even had the courtesy to tell you how it was addressed in that game.

Same here, now its just my Wife and not me

I was in the middle of doing De Other Side and as I was getting ready to leave after beating it I found I was unable to leave by walking out of the instance. I tried to hearth. I tried walking off the platform (I couldn’t jump or do any abilities) to die. Nothing worked. It wouldn’t let me log out or shut down normally so I just tabbed out and closed the game. And then when I tried to get back onto the character it gave me the “a character with that name already exists” and wouldn’t let me fully log in on the character. I was able to log into another character and log out but I’m really hoping I don’t lose that character since they’re my main. :frowning:

Yeah, it’s come back with a fury today. Fairly often when I am looting something or getting something from a quest, I can’t do anything although the world keeps moving along. Mobs won’t attack me, but I can’t even log out. After forcing an alt-f4, I get locked out with “Character already exists”. What is really strange is that I can have more than one character simultaneously locked out.

This is also happening at the end of M+ keys. It locks up as soon as the dungeon is completed and the chest cannot be looted. Character is then stuck and unable to do any actions like their abilities or even hearth. Also cannot bring up the menu with escape to log out or quit the game and instead have to alt F4. Once the game is reloaded, character is stuck. After about 30 minutes, the dungeon resets and there is no longer a chest to loot. Unfortunately, nothing is in the main either… No crests, no valor stones, no gear.

Additional information – it seems to happen to me when multiple things are looted at the same time. I noticed it happened in an extraordinarily number of times when I was autolooting chests, and it would stop responding half way through looting with specific items. Namely, each time it was getting stuck at resonant crystals or slabs of stone (the mining skill-up). I stopped autolooting (picking up things one at a time is a drag) and the problem seems to have cleared up.

Of course, that doesn’t seem to help with the case of the quest with multiple loot items being generated (I locked up on turning in the Titan Discs quest).

It also is a hard to draw a line to the issues people are having with m+, unless it has to do with multiple pieces of loot for the chest being generated at the end of the dungeon.

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How is this game breaking issue still not fixed over 12 hours? I went to bed, figuring it would no longer be an issue the day after. But I was sorely mistaken. Everyone I know has been suffering from this, raids unable to progress because a handful of people keep running into this, can’t do timewalking dungeons, can’t even do old raids. This is issue is prevalent in every aspect of the game. And if you’re unlucky enough to have this happen as a boss dies, you get nothing besides a saved character, no loot, no mail, nothing.