Character account transfer?

So, a long time ago when I originally played Wow, I ended up with two accounts. I can’t remember why I had to make the second one, but the second account ended up being my main one. That’s where I had all of my toons.

However, when I recently came back to the game, I had forgottn about all that, and ended up putting game time and buying the expansion for the first account.

My question is - how do I transfer my toons from my second account to my first account so I can actually play them?

You can use the character transfer service to transfer any characters you wish between realms, wow licenses and even accounts (assuming you are the registered user on both).

The service is available through the shop in-game. More information on it can be found here.


Character transfers cost money. If this was something that just happened within the past day or two, and you haven’t used the boost, submit a ticket to billing as a problem with purchase explaining the situation.

They may be able to refund the purchase and then you can purchase SL on the right account.