Looks like more consistently do less damage (which I think is good for PVP given the potential for silly numbers randomly)
What will the numbers look like though? And will CD show up as it’s own damage source in damage meters?
Looks like more consistently do less damage (which I think is good for PVP given the potential for silly numbers randomly)
What will the numbers look like though? And will CD show up as it’s own damage source in damage meters?
now just remove micro burst windows like essence break and inertia and stream line the damage into our core abilities.
You want them to take away your entire burst? You will never be able to kill anyone in PvP again. The only way to kill people is by bursting them down before they get healed.
he hates burst so dont bother
It’s such a stupid talent, why even make it lol.
Can’t imagine the netcode overhead for useless talents like this.
So removed any abilities that require some brain to use and make chaos strike and death sweep hit like a truck?
Nope remove death swap and Annihilation when in demon!