Chaos bolts are what lava burst should be

I’d hate the design philosophy of restricting our movement even more, and turning us into warlockLite

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Multistrike, with mastery and that one talent trait made shamans a sub-machine gun with procs. It was really nasty.

I was about to mention how a dead stat that was removed a decade is our mastery lol

Multistrike was removed in Legion 3 years ago, and Elemental Overload actually precedes it, since it was added in Cataclysm while Multistrike was added in WoD.

It’s really more like they gave Ele’s mastery to everyone for an expansion.

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Yea, everything’s a blur, wasn’t it introduced in MoP? I dont even know how long ago MoP was.

Was that in conjunction with when our mastery was earthen rage?

And Lightning Overload preceded Elemental Overload as the 35-39 point talent in TBC. Combined with the you became a Lightning machine gunner if you were left alone to chain cast.


This is really my biggest gripe with shaman. They constantly give shaman something unique and amazing then either give it to someone else or just take it away because insert some BS reason.

Take next xpac already. Every class will have access to ghost wolf from a covenant ability and the one ability that would help shamans immensely (spirit walk) DKs are getting. I mean come on man.

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I just realized the instant cast death from above DH get hits for more than a lava blast crit.

Make LvB strong again!

I thought our fulmination Earth Shocks are supposed to be the big hitting “chaos bolts” for ele?

Non crit I think it’s like 18k maybe? I forget offhand. I wouldn’t call it super hard hitting


As of right now my idle Earth shock tooltip reads 37, 752

I’ve used Lava Shock in all content all of bfa cus well a spender should actually hit hard

I’ve seen ~195k in pvp and 340k+ in PvE and use call the thunder so it can stack a lil more single target

i know its no where ideal and dps loss on patchwerk bla bla, cba

Ok mines 28950 ilvl 462. Not to shabby I guess. How did we get on ES topic again?

I wouldn’t call that hard hitting. At least not against heroic nymotha raiders

Its all relative.

For PVE reasons, I don’t want lava burst turning into a hard casting chaos bolt.

Except our passive that causes our crits to do 250% dmg makes it relative. When we crit, especially with ES we do massive amounts of dmg.

The bottom line is simple. For LvB to do equal dmg of chaos bolt they would have to nerf dmg in all other places to include LB, FS and ES. They would have to get rid of lava surge meaning no more instant casts. They would have to take LvB off our mastery so it cant overload. They would also have to remove IP.

Now even if they did all of this you would still not do as.much dmg as destro locks and your over all dmg would be abysmal.

The reason why is CB is resource dependent and lava burst is recharge dependent meaning you would get way more CBs off than you ever could LvB. Even if you made lava surge to work like it does with the PVP LvB talent and just give a charge. You would still be in a place where you couldnt keep enough FS up to machine gun LvB and if you could you would be better off using CL and EQ for better dmg.

Also quit homogenizing my class/spec. If you want to play a lock casting CBs go reroll a lock.


I like topics like this, since you can project what would have to change to make the spec work, and if it would be better.

  1. Mastery and the crit/insta cast proc of lava burst might need to be tuned down or removed. This is probably more necessary around pvp balance

  2. Damage would need to come out of remaining tool kit, this more then likely would be earth shock

  3. Movement would be hampered which would hurt the spec in pvp, mythic plus and raids

  4. The azerite traits to buff lava burst would need a revamp

  5. People would more then likely switch builds. Probably to ascension and/or icefury build

  6. The apm would drop pretty significantly for single target dps

I believe in wotlk, this is more similar to how ele played (someone spot check me on this). From my vantage point, changing lava burst in this way would just make ele a worse version of desto lock.

Granted, I personally think lava burst should have a higher base damage, and earthshock less, but thats a different discussion.

Movement would be the biggest issue. Locks feel like mini bosses when you fight them. They have so much health and defenses they can stand there and cast. Shaman do not. So you would need to increase our defenses to compensate, which the devs would be very reluctant to do I’m betting

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no way we need more lightning!!!