Changing weapons while in combat?EDIT

Wait what?
I just noticed that. This was not the case back then.
That way I can use both the daggers abilities, which are the ones who do more damage when I engage in stealth,
then change to swords while in the same fight and use the more dmg that comes from swords.

(This should be an answer to bad-intent people who accused me of complaining about another thing because it was against my class. This one here is good for me. My posts are about what is good for the game.)

EDIT: Regardless when it started, it’s a bad thing, it makes no sense for my abilities. I can now use everything. lol

You could always do this


Weapons switch in combat has always been a thing since 2004. But, when you do it you have a small global which stops your white hit for a few seconds.

This was always an option in Vanilla.

People mostly just didn’t know how to write macros to do this effectively back then

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always been this way. warriors huge user of this play style.

The ability to change weapons in combat has always been in the game. In Vanilla, on my Druid the itemrack addon used to swap out my staff for my mace automatically when I shifted into bear form, and would re-equip the staff when I shifted back to caster.

Edit: spelling is hard.

its always been this way where you can swap weapons in combat.

Do you even wow bro? Let me guess. You died with the fishing pole equipped? Lol

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Could always do this.

Can’t change armor, but can change weapons and trinkets (30 sec cd on their on-use abilities I believe) in combat.

They changed the weapon swapping sometime in TBC. Healers would use one weapon with a Spellsurge, then on proc switch to another w/ just +healing on it.

I was working on getting my 2nd weapon when they fixed this.

Guys I’m 100% sure that this wasn’t a thing in 2005 when I started.
Maybe it started in TBC and I never noticed it, but 100% it wasn’t a thing when I started in October 2005.

Can you prove it?

You’re wrong about it not starting up til TBC.

Here’s a patch note from 1.7
“When you swap weapons in combat, you start your swing again, instead of continuing your last swing.”

Seems like its been in the game for a bit.

Well you’re 100% wrong

On what? O.o

This was always a thing.

Yes, it was.

Not trinkets. Just weapons.

You’re right. We we’re just retarded cavemen back in 2004. It’s surprising we even knew how to tie our shoes.

Todays gamers are so elite and awesome. It’s truly amazing how far we’ve come.

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If you think you haven’t evolved in 15 years then maybe you haven’t. And that’s sad :frowning:

That’s a big leap from “people didn’t know how basic macros worked in 2004/2005”. Not even sure what you’re trying to argue at this point.

I guarantee that players, were min/maxing just as much then as they are now. To think gamers were any less serious just because games had worse graphics is dumb.