Changing weapons while in combat?EDIT

It was there in 2005. I had a macro that would switch to 2hander auto for overpower procs and when using retaliation.

You’re picking a fight for no reason and you’ve also misinterpreted both messages. I’m disengaging.

@OP’s edit:

How is being able to use more of your abilities a bad thing?

This really seems like a reply to your original post, and thus in violation of article 7 section 6 Hikus is done replying when he makes a post.

… Just because people pointed out that you may have been mis remembering something, doesn’t mean you should just say “iTs a BaD tHiNg”.

Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion, man. Weapon swapping is very important for warriors and feral druids for two examples off the top of my head.

you could do this in 2005… i had an ambush crit rogue. that would switch to maces to stun

Yeah, definitely was a thing in Classic. Now the way I used it was taken away in later expansions.

When I was a Feral Druid, during a healing touch cast, I’d swap weapons for bigger heals, and swap back after I shapeshifted.