Changing daily quests to 'first come first serve'

I mean honestly what are you doing here Blizzard?

In case you’re wondering 9.0.5 has changed the Blazing Ingots and the Animacones for “A Dangerous Harvest” have been changed so they are no longer shared, which means players have to fight for spawns.

Did you really get feedback that people were saying world quests were too fast and needed to be slowed down?

Just really boggling changes coming out.


This better be a bug from “patch stuff” cuz I may like the maw but making it even worse for everyone doesn’t make any sense

They respawn in 3 seconds.

People love classic didn’t you hear. No shared nodes in classic so that must be the reason classic is so goooooood.


The World of Hazecraft gets bigger and bigger…

But why was this change done? In what planet were people upset about having shared spawns?

That’s really what I’m trying to wrestle with. Of all the things going on in the game at the moment the one thing they put time into changing is… shared spawns for dailies? Like what on earth where are Blizzards priorities here.


Well, no one has said it yet, so I guess I’ll be “that cow” and do it: that /timeplayed metric isn’t going to go up on its own.

/shakes big cow head in disbelief

Also, obligatory:

Automated System Message: Inappropriate and unauthorized fun detected.
Automated System Message: Inappropriate and unauthorized fun has been removed.
Blizzard: Have a nice day!

/moo :cow:


Went to test it out. Watched somebody grab one 2 minutes ago, still waiting for it to come back.

Update: 5 minutes went by, and nothing. Got bored and left.


maybe in your world. When I did the quest, first pass of the area netted me one anima cone. Two more on second pass, by which time there were now several more people looking. It took 4 or 5 passes of the complete area to get 10. Will just add this to the list of WQ I bypass. A stupid change done for no logical reason except to make the WQ take longer and be more frustrating, IMO.


Shadowlands already has the worst world quests/daily system of all the expansions that’s had them.

Why would they make it worse? Blizzard you are so frustrating!


'Tis going to be a sad thing, seeing it crop up offering a fine handful of anima and knowing, as with Flapping Frenzy, I amn’t going to bother.

They didn’t go far enough; entire quests should be first come, first serve. Wanna collect ooze; wait your turn!

How do i report a post for inciting terrorism?

That’s exactly what happened to me on my hunter! What threw me is that there was only one other moth there. I figured it was a phasing issue, relogged and all the animacones were there.

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Okay? So they changed them to First come first serve them almost immediately increase the spawn rate? Why make the change in the first place?


I want to know who’s giving them this feedback, and I’m going to rub sand in their eyes. Then I want to know which dev “OK’d” this, and I’ll rub sand in their eyes too!!

Obviously I wouldn’t rub sand in someone’s eyes, but for real, who’s idea was it to make this change?

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Cause they can.

Didn’t you know? It was a bug (and the solution wasn’t to actually fix the bug. Fixing bugs is forbidden!)

Even with the spawn rate being increased, this means if you’re looting one and someone next to you is also, if they get it first it interrupts you and you have to wait for it to respawn.

It’s a STRICTLY worse system, ugh.


If you add just seconds, multiple times an hour, to every players’ experience, it adds up to huge amounts of time played.

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