Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

I will make this very clear I am not hating on this game I want world of warcraft to seceded. I feel bad for the developers who are overworked and right now are worried about 9.1. I am speaking out against this change because it is hurting the game. You may not personally agree that it hurts wow but its already forcing people to stop playing. This change was based on greed. The developers had nothing to do with this change. This was made on a corporate lvl change. You say you want this game to do well, you say you love this game. Then why support and defend this change that hurts wow players who want to keep playing this. Do i believe blizzard will reverse this change to game time no. Do i believe if people speak out against it that it will make a difference yes.
You may not be effected by this change, But what about those who are? So they don’t deserve to play because life is hard?
If you love this game and its community then defend them, Defend the deves, Don’t defend Blizzard a company that is eating itself whole.
I still care about this game and I am speaking out against this change.

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How will it make a difference if no change comes about (preferably a revision to the way it was)?

You can use wow classic as an example of people’s effort to change blizzards mind

In truth it will probably take a petition to do so

Me too im going to other games, wow is cool but this is game over for me.

You do know what i am talking about. You have even avoided answering my questions to you. You have even gone out of your way to ignore proof. Then attempt to attack those who you don’t agree with. Not once did i say they did this change because of bots. The change was to get more to auto sub. Thats the clear reason why they did it and yes its greed.
Bots will be completely unaffected by this change. It also will help bots, The way bots are caught is by reporting them. Less players running around in the world less people will report them. That is how it works.
Don’t try to tell me it doesn’t work that way. There wouldn’t be a bot problem if blizzard had a way to ban bots right off the bat.

Yeah, I like XIV, it’s just a game I find it hard to play if I don’t have someone to play it with, which is a shame because there is so much to do in the game and it has a lot of features I wish wow had.

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Correct because this has NOTHING to do with bots. This change will also have nothing to do with arenas, nor random battlegrounds, addons, not even pet battles. Why do you keep talking about bots?

Masses are not quitting the game over this. lol

Less players means less reports this is common sense. Its a pretty good number of people dropping off just because of this change. You really should do more research into this.

More than a few people are saying that this change was to make it hard for botters, mainly because Blizzard hasn’t given us a reason so they’re coming up with something that sounds plausible to fill the gap.

And not a single one of those people have an argument that holds water.

There is nothing to research in regards to bots and this change. Am I on that Punk’d show?

-_- I am referring to how many players are actually effected By this Change. Clearly you don’t pay attention.

[quote=“Deusspecter-wyrmrest-accord, post:1382, topic:916749”]
Its a pretty good number of people dropping off just because of this change. You really should do more research into this.
[/quote] How much more specific do i need to get?

How do you know? Because people on the forum said they are quitting? There are dozens of posts each week about how so and so is quitting, those same players are still here playing. Players getting mad and raging on the forum and threatening to quit is common and has been since day 2. Stick around the forum for a while and you’ll understand.

Ive played this game for a long time. Like are you seriously going to use that as a defense? Its not like the pandemic is making money hard to come by or anything right? “sigh” Seriously its not like before and for many its only getting harder.

I’ve played for many years, not just a few. That doesn’t mean anything.

A defense for what? I don’t even know what is going on. You’re trying to make a wild claim that masses are quitting and that bots are going to take over the game.

If players cannot afford to play and money is that tight then it’s best they utilize that money elsewhere instead of a hobby like a video game with a monthly sub. Have a good night.


-_- You seriously can’t be this dense


And when did I say bot army? I just said this helps the bots

Those saying this is about bots are off the mark; forcing subs is closer to truth. Blizzard said “review on the available services in all currencies,” which is vague but you can be assured this is about profit margin. If many small transactions ($15) in foreign currencies costs them more to process then a double-size transaction ($30) they save money by raising the minimum purchase amount. Also eliminating the discount for block purchases of 90/180 days game-time unless you subscribe with cash via PayPal/credit card increases their profit margin (those paying with bNet balance via gold-token exchange are F2P and no longer get a discount). It’s really that simple.

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Yeah they are way off, Then you have people who play stupid