Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

And note they said currently for wow subs and wow token leaving it open for them to change. Activision has turned you guys into a shell of your former self. Is the CEO planning on taking a 200 mil easter bonus?


Please revert the change.

This change sucks. I can’t gift my friends a month of game time and I can’t buy game time in bulk at a discount anymore.


I mean, I guess I could gift single months of WoW time to my friends by giving them the gold to buy a WoW token, but that risks getting a ban over Blizz mistaking it as RMT. :expressionless:
Heard way too many horror stories of people getting permabans over sending huge amounts of gold to their own characters, let alone characters on a different account.

That, or let balance be used for subscriptions.


Oh and I just wanted to note that although I’ve subbed for 10 years (cancelled recently) using the recurring option I want to voice my disapproval of this change.

It impacts me because it means that other players who want to play may no longer be able to and less people means a deader game world and that affects my experience. Also I’ve known people who have found themselves in hard times who have had game time gifted to them that enabled them to continue playing. I myself gifted a friend time a few years back when they couldn’t afford it. So please revert this. The game is enriched by more people playing.


These are the dire changes we needed to fix WoW goodwork wonder what’s next instore!

Me and my Girlfriend are going back to ff14. We are unsure of if we will return one day to wow its sad it has to come down to this point

Making everyone buy every expansion again up to shadowlands just to play

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Actively looking for a replacement. Wow has been the only game I have played in years . I am sure I have missed some good ones . I have to say I do believe their time has come . Someone is going to benefit from their dumbazzery .

I hate that they took away comp stomp. It was the one thing I always forward to. It was amazing for getting gear and transmogs on alts.

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I’m heading for Lord of the Rings Online if I quit the game. It’s f2p so if my budget means I can’t pay for the sub one month, I just lose out on a few perks until I can pay for my sub again.

Others are heading for Final Fantasy XIV (A great game, but it’s another buy game time or sub to play) and some are heading to ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you find a community you’re happy with.


Even if that was legitimately the reason for this change… I (and my bf) don’t think it’s enough of a reason for this change. The bot problem is a real thing. But they are screwing a lot more legit players then they are botters…

While XIV is also a pay and sub games. There’s really so much more to do. Major patches are normally on a 3 month cycle (1 patch, last year, was delayed by 1 month, due to covid). And honestly, the developers have designed it, in such a way and even have straight up said that they don’t want their players to get burned out. If some players need to take a break and play something else, they encourage it. Which is a great way to show that they do give a damn about their player base.

guess I won’t be playing anymore after my sub runs out since I only play in 30 day chunks. see ya

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Squeeze last bit of pennies from players strategy. Squeeze em hard and tight bois.

This is basically saying “you guys don’t have $30???”

This change actually helps the bots sadly. Less real players to report the bots. People are quitting the game. I haven’t found any official source saying they did this because of the bot problem. I’m pretty sure as i said before using the bot problem as a scapegoat to hide the reality of this change.

lol no it doens’t.

people quit games and return to games all the time. it’s a video game, not a life-long commitment.

because they didn’t, that doesn’t even make sense.

nobody is using a “bot problem” as a scapegoat.

Nooo really? thanks stating the same thing
That makes sense considering doing research and reading

Yes people have been even in this chat you should read up

I don’t have any idea what you’re trying to say and I don’t care what people on the forum have been claiming, this isn’t about bots. lol

I even said that.

Poor community manager sent on the forum to be sacrifice like a lamb.

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lolz not sure if they are a community manager or not, But I am trying very hard to not be a jerk.