Changes to Purchasable Game Time Options

Yahoo! Finance
Money Tips - seems like the British has this problem too…

I am sure that you are probably subscribed to something you don’t use but are paying a monthly fee for. It might be Netflix, Hulu, or even WoW during content dry spells. There is a reason companies like using the subscription model these days.


I guess Blizzard is done talking about this, eh?


No blue comments.

Well, I hope whoever made this call enjoys the lost subscriptions and game time revenue. Though I’m sure they already calculated how much backlash there would be and the make up in costs would account for it.

You guys just suck as a company. There’s no passion left. Just long-mustache-twirling money-grubbing hands-wringing second-rate villains.


Please revert the change.


that would be business suicide people already say this game charges way more then is reasonable with game subs base game expansions and an in game store. If they increased it even more can you imagine the “greed” backlash


Just popping in to once again say that this is unacceptable.

Lemongrab soundbyte here.


You didn’t conduct a review. You just did it.


So just making bots buy more tokens instead of solving the bot problem eh?


You forgot the part about how this is going to make the upcoming quarterly earnings statement have a spike.

And it’s also possible that there’s bad news for players coming up, and they want to get that 2nd month paid for before they hear it.

For people who run bots, the inconveniences that overwhelmingly hit legitimate players are merely a business expense.

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I figured that was a given… maybe they don’t have a freebie to give away with 6 month subs :wink:

More likely the fact that 9.1 won’t be hitting until who knows when, so they want to ensure people stay during the dry content spell.

Guys stop being negative, Bobby needs another Yacht seriously.


Doesn’t change the fact they are basically just profitting more off the bots this way instead of doing something about it.


Well this is really horrible for those of us that can’t afford to do a monthly sub (can’t risk adding account info/CC info) because we sometimes don’t have the money when the game time comes to an end. I stopped using a monthly sub years ago because of billing issues and never want to go back to that. We’re in the middle of pandemic and you all decide this is a good idea? The “explanation” isn’t a very good one, either. I’m just really bummed about this.


To be honest with you. I don’t believe this change has anything to do with the bot problem. This change doesn’t even effect the bots. I believe the term for this is scapegoat. Blizzard if this is what they said the reason is. Its to Try to make them look in a better light. As you said it doesn’t solve the problem.


He already has enough he doesn’t need any more. What he needs is a time out.

I think when they say purchasable game time I think they’re talking like the cards you scratch the code off for that you get in stores, and they’ve always been that way since I was a kid. Because the sub fee is still $15 monthly.

Yeah. Technically it was more affordable to buy game time off the site than buying the cards. Had more options. now you pay the same as buying the prepaid cards.

Starting to wonder…

Who let Jake and Logan Paul run Blizzard?

Well we the players will have to make a stand

Yes i meant to say all but 60 days, either way its a pointless change. And just shows up dumb this company is of late

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Indeed. Already took care of that on my side. Sub is cancelled and my fam is on their way too. Might have everyone give FF a go this weekend.

This doesn’t bode well for other services they offer either. Remember the no changes for classic? Well, TBC is going to offer a paid boost. Oh. Imagine that. If they can find a way to make extra bucks for the sake of making extra bucks… they’re gonna do it. Game quality be dammed.

Blizzard used to care. Now they have a soulless husk that lets bots run rampant and takes a slice of every token, supporting more botting and boosting alike.

I’ve actually invested too much time on these forums - trying to get this thread bumped, trying to support positive change, it’s just gone nowhere. I think this is my last sign off. I tried but the amount of personal time I’ve invested greatly outweighs the impact I’ve had so it’s time to move on.

I hate what the current team has done to our digital world of Azeroth. You all suck and you ruined something that was really amazing and could have continued to be amazing. The incremental profits you’re trying to scrape out of your declining player base is the last straw for me. Enjoy what you ruined.

For the rest of you - I’m sorry. Have a great time if you still believe in this but I’m through here.