Changes to group loot

With way group loot is, and how it enables behaviors some find less then desirable, it needs looked at and adjusted.

The main changes are going to be based around letting people roll for mog but not get in the way of those rolling for upgrades.

  1. Separate need and T mog rolls
  2. An aspect that incentivizes rolling based on the goal you have for the loot, I.E. if after just the look, make it so that all who roll for mog get the mog, where as if you roll need you can still lose and get NOTHING.
  3. Bosses also drop currency one can use to buy the looks either on the roll window or at a vendor in the raid or outside, maybe requiring a higher difficulty version to unlock.
  4. (completely optional) bring back the D/E button and make the priority Need->D/E->greed, again locking need from those with better in the aforementioned locations.

Other ideas more then welcome, but do try to keep in mind that this is to enable geared players to get what they want while also allowing gearing players to get what they “need” without the 2 butting heads.




If similar ones can be consolidated, like ideas for improving the system, into 1 topic, I’d prefer that to happen.

Also note, all ideas mentioned so far were posted in the last topic about geared players rolling need in LFR for Tmog or other reasons, so if you see your idea here, feel free to claim credit, I was just posting the ones I recalled.

My feedback is never start a thread that points to players as jerks, it will not do well

but Posting my own idea since it shares similarities with yours

to this I would add.

When queueing, there could be a checkbox similar to the “willing to lead” but it would be “transmog run”

You can only earn transmog currency while on a transmog run
You can only receive appearance, not actual item while on transmog run
if you don’t use this option, but outgear the content you will have a severely restricted dice roll (exceptions on certain items that somehow end up being better even at lower ilvls than other items at higher ilvls)
Can only use transmog currency while on a transmog run (no double dipping, for metrics)
Transmog run isn’t competitive like PVE loot you can freely spend currency on items that “drop” as long as you have enough, meaning multiple people can get it.
(this is to encourage mog hunters to do transmog runs instead of putting themselves in competition with PVE characters attempting to upgrade.


“People I lose rolls to are jerks.” Omegalul.


Fair, but some could see it as a gray area here as I did not really point to players as such, as much as it enabling that behavior. However, I will change it.

Now as for the rest:


Thought the seperating would imply that, but thanks for pointing it out,

While I technically hate the idea of too much restriction, this I can accept as it is on the player.

Very good.

OK, let me respond to some of your suggestions:

This already happens. When the screen comes up there is an option to roll for Transmog. However I think the likelyhood that anyone doing the runs for items for tmog will use Need because they believe everyone else will do the same their mog roll will mean zilch.

I like to think that if that were possible, it would have been done. Is the game going to check the bags and bank storage of every single player who rolls Need on every item in every raid? Im not a software geek but surely would take some impressive searching.

My idea: if the player has earned a higher level piece of gear for any of the slots in the raid, they cannot roll Need but can choose to get a token for participating in the fight, and a certain number of them purchase a transmog set (similar to the things we can get now from various vendors).

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the game does this btw, if I leave my tier piece in the bank, it knows I own it and cannot roll on the same tier piece.


The thing is, under the current system, the priority is need->Tmog->greed, the idea is to make the priority need->greed, with Tmog being is own thing.

Yeah, let me put it this way: this is likely the hardest to program if the base is not already in, but anything that has the same effect will also work, more so if it is easier to program.

Hey look, another person who wants to tell other people how to play the game.

You kill the boss, you divvy the loot. What any other persons motivation is for killing the boss to get the loot is none of your concern.


Does it know you have it in the bank, or have earned it previously?

it knows if it is in bags or bank.

And unless that separate Tmog roll had a priority, it would still not be chosen if Need had a higher chance of getting an item.

well this is the change he’s asking for.

Ok, addendum to that idea: Need gets the item and possibly the look, t mog JUST gets the look, possibly everyone rolling Tmog gets it.

This means the currency is BLP against items not even dropping.

this is an idea to change the loot system, not asking players to pass on anything.

Leave him be, he is just one of those like I said, they like the current system and see any changes as people “dictating” how others play

But it’s based on the supposition that needing on items for any reason other than player power upgrade is failing of morality.

You kill the boss, you get the loot. A tale as old as time. Elegant in its simplicity. Do I want mog? Do I want loot? Do I want gold? Do I want enchanting mats? Irrelevant!


yea that’s why I wouldn’t have started this thread like he did, but it’s still well meaning.

while I am good to play on this loot system or a new one. I do think it’s a good goal to reduce friction.