Changes that NEED to happen now



It’s a good list of proposals. I would like Blizz to fix the drinking in some capacity(hopefully without gutting shadowmeld). The 2400 for rank 1 is kind of a weird request because playing a tank isn’t easy to even get that high. 50% buffs to holy priests sounds pretty extreme as well, and I would like to see changes to MS effects as a whole before giving it to enhance but enhance usually plays with classes that have an MS already so it’s more of a solo shuffle buff.

Healers go oom all the time in PvE, so no.

pvps different when you hit max level

amen amen amen

Its hilarious that the same people who dismiss PVE as scripted freak the f out whenever there is something that breaks the script of rated pvp (pillar humping, or melee healers and things like that)

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You CAN pillar hump on blades edge :clown_face: . Still a cringe buggy dumb map

Melee healers ARE cool and skillful when they are designed like legion wotc mw or legion hpal

Current fistweaver is cringe and lame.


Several ww said that it didn’t go live. No idea if it is true or not.

Unironic fantastic list lol.

Don’t know personally, but they pump like crazy now. Have died to them through defensives quite a few times.

What spec doesn’t pump right now?

Well, most do. But the damage from WW can be oppressive even compared to others.


Shadow Priest

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So you main Shadow I guess.

Really, Hoj should be 20 yards to be in line with stormbolt/asphyx.

Honorable mention would be for bop and magic bop to not share a cd.

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Range stuns are bad.

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Finally some acknowledgment that legion MW was the bomb.

Probably hpal. My damage feels so pitiful

If spammable cc switches to having a CD, even a 6 second one Id be fine with it. Wouldnt mind just removing food/drinks from arena rated or otherwise. I know sneaking off to drink truly is a skill the drinker and their teammates must cordinate to make work, but Id just rather not have all damage healed away easier. We have dampening for a reason, hybrid dps cant heal nearly at all for some reason, healers shouldnt be drinking their way to wins either.

Make sure you also add in frost mages insane cc and shutdown capabilities and nuclear damage

I remember holy paladins glory days of SL, straight up cracking people on the back of the head with a judgment 30yrds away, taking the last 25% of their health. Judgments from retribution doesn’t even do that now.