Changes that NEED to happen now

Crazy to think people don’t understand that. Melee are supposed to be scary if they can connect, not because they always can connect.

  • Lol no nerfs to paladins being a range melee class (probably because you play it)?
  • Nerf arcane mobility…so what? You can train us into the ground like melee do every…single…other…caster. Hilarious.
  • No nerf to hunter…also hilarious
  • DK 35 yards death grip is w/e. Casters hate the 4+ instant ccs/interrupts/silence they have along with chains spam.

Next topic.

People seem to conveniently forget that we’re in this state where casters have high mobility and have 90% instant cast abilities BECAUSE we’re in a mobility arms race and the mobility of most melee has crept up substantially over the years.

I would be more than happy to have casters actually have to hard cast spells and have less mobility if the melee mobility was also tuned down significantly, melee can’t have it all.

Absolute cringe suggestions

Feral allowed to cast in cat form and giving ms to enhancement lel. Ofcourse nothing for paladin yea L thread

I play holy paladin and not ret. The reality is that ret is not even a top 5 melee spec rn so why would you nerf it?

I think bm hunter and MM hunter design is stupid but its not a top 5 ranged spec rn.

its not w/e . You are clueless. grip being 40 yards makes it impossible for the healer to avoid the grip go on their own, causing the entire team to get put in a blender.



Begone s1 ret rework demon spawn!

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Funnily eniugh I had long stopped playing ret before the rework came out. I think I queued two games and left ret again. So no I am not responsible for the rerollers fotm rets that flooded the ladder. Ive been ret main forever and didnt actually play when the spec was broken either in SL s1 and 10.0.7 ret. Lel

That’s all any caster has ever asked for for a few expacs now. It’s just super unfun to have to respond like your on life alert 24/7 because a melee is hitting you from either;
A) Africa
B) he’s still on you even though you outplayed his entire kit

It’s just unfun design.

Like idk what world I can play dev/mw 2s, knock the WWs FSK and a roll, then ring his next roll, and he still is ontop of my dev through slows. It’s just cringe gameplay.

I look back at WOD WW like “hey i could hit casters from ranged with chi explo, but it wasn’t a big source of damage, and if they outplayed my mobility then I had to either hide or waddle at them”. There was no 100% uptime against humans lol

or Sl season 2 or 3?

Thats very admirable and I must say I am very impressed with how you manged to improve from challenger/rival into an elite 2400 player in s1 dragonflight. Good job!

What tools do you think ret paladins should gain ontop of magic bop lay on hands sac sanc and freedom?

I couldnt care less what you think. And by reading the responses I know Im not the only oen clowning your thread.

Ur outnumbered little guy

You do care thats why you are posting in the thread.

God I love ret brain.

Nah cooked takes from a cooked brain. Keep dreaming boy

now i may have my moments but that sure does look like s1 ret abuser!


Great list, I would also ask the devs to add a glyph to make lizard ppl stay in human form during combat.

Don’t forget to buff feral’s damage by 3% and nerf a DH talent no one uses anyway.

Two people shouldn’t be allowed to stealth at the same time on one team.

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Actual good list




mage shouldn’t be allowed to invis if rogue is in stealth. Applied this concept to other stealthers.