Changes that NEED to happen now

Proposing balance changes for a spec and using the literal best player in the world at that class as your justification as to why they should be changed…that doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense.

The issue with gutting arcane mobility is that while yes it feels very strong and borderline oppressive into some melee cleaves they get absolutely SMASHED against hunter teams like PHDK so if you cut their mobility down from what it currently is you have to give them tankiness to compensate otherwise hunter teams will be an absolute hard counter into arcane mages, and hard counters really are not a thing any longer in this current iteration of WoW.

This. Please.


But right now Arcane mages are a HARD counter into melee cleaves so idk a mage having one hard counter vs the mage hardcountering 99% of melee seems like its an okay trade.

This is a factually false statement.

Based list. Chad energy in defending your stances.

1500 rss Andy approved, send it to prod boys

do they just bully cattle or what

Good arcane mages would sell their first borns for melee cleaves imo

I’ve gone over this six times and I’m too dumb to get the punchline and i hope that makes you -furious-

Hunters would trigger Ragnarok to have a queue session of constant arcane mages.

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cute wallaby

Ok brother maybe this will make more sense in reverse.

Let’s take some of the 3 best melee players world and put them in a solo shuffle lobby.

  1. Blizzo on warrior
  2. Whazz on outlaw
    3.mvq on demon hunter
  3. Dannycarry rdruid
    5.chas rdruid
    Map: maldraxus

If the 6th player is numbing(really good arcane mage that plays the game pretty casually and not as good as the other 3 players) he is probably 6-0ing this lobby easily. There is no way he ever dies unless he throws the game even though he is fighting better players. This is one of the most cringe cases of rock papers scissors imaginable.

They don’t tho. Especially if they play with an rdruid+ rogue or rdruid+ ww monk(2 melees that windmill dunk on hunters)

Less specs need MS, not more. MS wouldn’t help enhance survive. =/

Rest of the list isn’t too bad. :slight_smile:

rotational MS is just odd design imo

Counter pressure helps enhance survive. But yeah I think enhance should get some dam reduc on its earth shield like rsham if it doesn’t already.

Tbh with solo shuffle being a thing giving enhance 10% ms would help a lot without affecting 3v3.

Yea. I’m fine with MS if it’s a CD. You use it, I pop a defensive if needed, etc. But this always on MS thing is an awful way to balance the game. Locks VS warriors? The lock doesn’t do enough healing. Lock vs NO MS… The lock heals for days and doesn’t die.

Nothing interesting about that interplay. Nothing interesting about not being able to heal on my shaman and I just die. Nothing interesting about MS and how it interacts with dampening. Oh great, dampening is high, I guess your main form of survivability is useless. Guess you lose. It’s why active mitigation like blur, evasion, die by the sword, etc. are so much more effective.

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The issue is not having effective healing under pressure. Like versus any warrior + another melee. I can’t get away. It’s impossible. So if a warrior decides to bladestorm with another CD, I either burrow or pop everything. If the don’t want to touch enhance healing, they could also just increase the lockout on shear. Some passive melee damage reduction would be nice, but you’re still just going to be eating it the entire time with no way to get room. More mobility would be good. Make spirit walk an actual freedom. That would be huge. That you can pop spirit walk in bladestorm and instantly be slowed in some of the trollest garbage in the game.

So arcane mages are completely fine into hunters only if they play specifically with rdruids and only rdruids and mixed melee comps? That doesn’t seem very fine to me. Isn’t that just making a case that resto druids are too strong, not that arcane mages are fine?

Lol if they play with hpal or disc they also aren’t going to die into dk hunter for a long time.

Ww arcane hpal and arcane sub disc shouldn’t lose to hunter dk

This is exactly what should happen

Hypothetically what if we presume that the arcane only plays with other caster dps and never any melee, does that change the outcome into PHDK?

I agree, but if that tradeoff happens their survivability shouldn’t take a hit, the compensation needs to be equitable.