
The data we have from private servers running static 1.12 where a lot of that theorycrafting comes from and where everybody is fully aware of how powerful Warrior/Mage/Rogue is says that your 60% number is wrong.

There’s no reason to think that Classic will be vastly different from private servers where Warriors are the sole outlier.

I would also ask: What’s even wrong with a class being primarily a healer? Sure it might never be the most popular class because DPS is the most popular role, but how is that a bad thing?

You might as well remove the specs because they don’t perform the role. Also check the realm pops at the end of the first month, not after mules/alts inflate the numbers. Like I said It’s well documented about classes now.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with hybrids primary role/spec being healing. It’s their other specs that are so god awful at there role that there is no point to bring them.
I not being hyperbolic here. I’m just saying what’s the purpose of it, if it’s so bad you can’t really use it.

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Northdale is a relatively new server and we’ve seen what it looks like just after launch.

The specs are only underpowered in raiding, they’re not terrible in every single aspect of the game. You wont be seeing any Warriors raiding as Arms, either but you’d be insane to say that Arms is a garbage spec that should be deleted.

So with every spec being usable in some aspect of the game, why is it bad that in raiding there are 4 classes which are designed to be healers?

Because the end-game is raiding and always has and will be. Most pures have 2 specs that are raid usable. (not every). As a matter of fact warriors aren’t pures they have a tank spec but managed to not pay any hybrid tax. So it’s perfectly ok for all the rest of the hybrids to all get pigeonholed into one spec?
Also the only thing I’m suggesting is the gap be narrowed between pures/hybrids doesn’t really matter what % as long as it’s not 40%. I don’t want talent reworks, utility reworks etc. My suggestion is behind the scenes and the gameplay would stay intact, just bigger numbers.


There are no specs in classic just classes

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There is also PvP regardless of if you do it or not, which is part of end game.

You’ve said what you want multiple times but you’ve failed to answer my question as to why classes being designed as a healer in raiding is a bad thing.

People keep saying this and I have no idea why. I played an Arms warrior in Vanilla, I’ll be playing a Holy paladin in Classic.

I think you’re implying that each talent tree can perform multiple roles or something to that effect? My Ret paladin in BfA can heal much better than a Ret paladin in Vanilla could.

Considering I healed raids as a Ret Paladin in Vanilla and put out healing on par with full healing spec Paladins, I’m gonna say either BfA Ret is broken or you’ve got that a bit wrong =P

Funny i fothot all thosd who focused on getting rank 14. Those weren’t end game at all.

I will bravely follow Theloras into the darkness.

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That’s because it’s obvious to people that, the closer things are to balanced, the less a factor power is in choosing an option. If blue cars were faster than silver cars, even if someone likes silver better, plenty of people would pick blue instead.

Any multiplayer game works the same way and always has.

To that end, wrath and legion are probably the most balanced the game has ever been (with legion being garbage from a design standpoint because everyone using builders/spenders system is dumb IMO) and that enables numbers and popularity to be reflected closer to natural desire without power influencing it.

Damage is the most popular role: inarguable fact. Paladins were a huge part of the biggest warcraft RTS to date: inarguable fact. Of course it’s going to be more popular than a murder hobo if all else is equal. I see no problem there.

The issue is, we know looking back W/R/M are op and the top end players (all I care about, you know… actual achievers that such things even matter or apply to) will choose those. Myself included at this point.

Choosing a class that isn’t the best at a role is like playing on a harder difficulty. It gives you bragging rights.

But it’s the min/max elitist community that only see thru that narrow focus of “raid or die” priority.

And any premade PVP group, but really what you mean to say is: it’s just the good people doing end-game content that think like this.

Congratulations, you just described me. I’ve hated every other aspect of this game since cata. Raid is all I want classic for. I spent plenty of time sitting bored in IF at max level, doing 5/10 man content, grinding through the incredibly boring leveling experience, etc. I’m here to raid and raid with people who are actually good at the game to get crap done.

One night a week, full clearing whatever current raid tier would be perfect.

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Vanilla only had 6 classes and only one true designated tank. That’s not including the fact that Fury Warrior was a thing (Dps). Homogenizing, to prevent this, is the most asinine thing I have ever heard.

It’s not going to change anything about how population rep works, in regards to limiting how many people can player warriors and in turn, leaving only YOU to have that honor. Isn’t that the entire point?

People are going to naturally roll based on their comfort zone. At least when starting out. They are going to roll what they are more familiar with. Some will roll a newb class, one they are only rolling because they believe it will give them an advantage in some way (Raiding, Pvp etc) and I say let them. Their own struggle, in classic, will be their own to bare.

But that has nothing to do with 65% of people. I’m rolling a Hunter, no matter if that pleases people or not. Because I am very familiar with it and know how to play it. I could careless about the fight for endgame. And no, I did not say that I am not taking part in endgame. Just that I don’t care for the fight for it.

You all want to fight for World first, Best Warrior, Warlord etc- go at it.

Your keyboard is upside down.

Oh, my bad. Let me turn it back around then.


Off topic a little bit but I came from the rts to wow. Where paladins were my favorite class. Just like the rts I wanted to wallop people with my 2handed weapon. While also having a light support role. Talk about disappointment, go through that leveling process to see that role is borderline useless.