Changes I'd Like to See to the Votekick System

I’m not talking about the Deserter buff, I’m only talking about being vote kicked like the OP is.

And I think if someone is being kicked for trolling/AFKing in a dungeon, they should be reported and temporarily banned to permanently banned based on how many times they do it. I think the penalties should be more harsh than a 30 minute buff.

That’s a tough one though for LFR. There are times that many die, and I see multiple people typing out varying directions. Sometimes, it’s no wonder they die. Who’re they supposed to listen to?

Players asked for this.
It has been delivered.
Deal with it

If you remove the deserter debuff from vote kicks, people will sit around and wait for the group to kick them so they can queue up again. It’s on kicks for a very good reason.

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I could potentially agree if someone was capable of showing me that kicks happen for no reason like the claim that’s made around here.

Why are you still trying to be lenient on the people we agree are a problem?


Not a solution. Any system encouraging bad behavior is a problem. All this suggestion does is create additional problems, it solves nothing.

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If you get kicked from a dungeon in FFXIV for bad behavior, they make it easy to also report that person for bad behavior and they get temp banned to perma banned for their bad behavior.

I don’t understand how me suggesting that is encouraging bad behavior. I think the only penalty for bad behavior in a dungeon being having to wait 30 mins to queue again isn’t enough of an incentive to prevent bad behavior, it should be more.

This suggestion seems ripe for abuse, but I’m glad you have an outlet for discussion.

They can make it easier, sure. But not all kicks happen for reportable reasons, and as it stands, you can already report people if the thing is reportable.

This doesn’t change the debuff or the vote to kick system though. Just adds an easy step for reporting if necessary.


It should be made easier to do so, which is what I originally suggested here:

Kicking is not equal to reporting. Reporting is for rules violations. Kicking is not necessarily for a rule violation. Being annoying or playing poorly isn’t a violation of rules.

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Then I posit to you that a 30 minute debuff to not queue again doesn’t motivate people to not play poorly, either. It’s not a solution to that problem, either.

Sadly I cannot agree with almost anything in this topic… because in my experience 90% of the people who get vote kicked out of random stranger group content are not getting kicked for any legitimate reason. It’s typically some sort of toxic social clique thing where 2 people in a group of 5 know each other, for example, and they get giggles kicking anybody as a power trip for them.

90% of the vote kicks I’ve started or participated in were vote kicking people who had disconnected. It’s pretty rare in my experience that a vote kick is because someone is legitimately a problem.

It absolutely is. If I could drop out/get myself kicked from ZF, requeue, and wind up in Stratholme in a minute, I’d do that 10 times out of 10.

Deserter debuff isn’t a solution to people who are dedicated trolls, it’s to encourage people to run what they sign up for.

It’s hard to take stuff like this seriously when other people still need to vote yes for the kick to go through.

Just because you don’t agree with the reason doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate reason. That’s why you get the option to vote no.

All this means is you think you deserve to be the arbiter of justice for every group, taking that power away from the individuals in each group.

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I disagree, I don’t think having to wait 30 minutes to play again and have no idea why if you are someone who doesn’t have enough knowledge to be good at this game, is motivation to get better at the game. People don’t choose to be bad at WoW and play poorly, a 30 minute debuff isn’t going to magically make them get better at the game.

People who choose to be bad at WoW are very obvious that they’re doing it on purpose, it’s not just not doing enough DPS or failing at mechanics, it’s extremely obvious when someone is doing it on purpose. Those people should be reported and penalized.

If you haven’t already watched this video that covers this topic, I highly recommend it:

And yes it’s long but it’s totally worth it.

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This is how the system worked in cataclysm: if you initiated too many votekicks, you would be unable to initiate another vote kick, sometimes for days.

Why this was changed, I’ll never know


Saw a fairly simple solution in another thread, just add READING a long explanation to the kick window before being able to hit yes or no. The biggest problem is most people can’t or won’t read the actual reason for the kick, they’ll hit yes just to remove the inconvenience of the window.

But yeah also a limited number of kicks or on a long CD, so that everyone KNOWS a kick is legit and not just being spammed cause it can be. deserter buffs if not visible should be stacking AND visible, so folks can proactively put someone on ignore if they see they’re intentionally doing something OR even unintentionally doing something enough to hinder other players.