Changes I'd Like to See to the Votekick System

We’re talking LFR and mechanics and we should really apply this to the current raid and how it functions. I’ve only done a little LFR this season, but the fights are clearly steered to… if the majority of the group knows what they’re doing… they’ll carry the slack for those who are learning or ended up on the floor for whatever reason. Normally it’s actually a tanking issue and not a mechanics issue when the entire raid wipes and I don’t think it’s good to kick people who are trying to learn. I actually (most of the time) have patience when a person is struggling to “do it”. I myself have watched videos to get the jist or things… but it’s nothing and doesn’t compute till I’ve really went through it… and sometimes I need to go through it more than once… and then I might forget a little thing… and then remember again.

I’ve done a lot of heroic raiding this season and I’ve watched people get booted for any little slip up and I think it’s honestly sad. I’ve gotten booted for my mistakes as well… and I take it like a champ normally, I do realize people “expect better” in heroic and If I messed up and that’s it… so be it. I think this mentality has absolutely zero place in LFR though.

I didn’t, There’s no post floating around where you saw me saying “please Blizzard give all queued content a hard 30 minute debuff timer”. They should have left it alone or moved the loot to the last boss… there were voices of reason in there too that Blizzard chose not to listen to.

My personal experiences are irrelevant to a lot of posters here.

Seeing as this is the kind of proof you want in previous threads, no I’m not going to be able to convince you of anything.

Because Blizzard strengthening the deserter debuff went clearly wrong imo. We need to take a step back and relax it overall and in the appropriate situations. Perhaps Blizzard needs to send a clear message that an abuse of their services will have consequences instead of a “any reason is a good reason” mentality for queued content.