Changeover to war within

I was wondering if any guilds were starting to shift their stories to match the direction of war within or if it is too early and there are not enough details.

We’re waiting until the next patch to see what the story of Dark Heart is. We’re gonna take our time to make sure we’re not god-modding and talking about an island no one knows exists yet.


I’d say it’s a bit too early to change over right now.

This exactly. Convocation of Darkness has had a long story arc continuing throughout the course of Dragonflight so that is still our main focus. Once we know more about TWW’s story and how that begins to manifest in the world, we’ll probably begin incorporating elements of it into our roleplay as we ramp up for the expansion launch.


As far as a real changeover…not exactly? We’ve expanded our shipping routes to be having a pass through Quel’Danas soon. Otherwise, if we bring in any new content early, it’s likely going to be a rumor about the Isle of Dorn, but I don’t see us doing more than that, and probably not for a couple of months. I’d like to wait for the pre-patch for anything more.

The best part about rping in Duskwood is you get to ignore the everchanging story until someone runs into the tavern screaming about the latest thing threatening the world!

I’m the only member of my guild and frankly we’re still on the fence as to whether or not Dragonflight happened.


I won’t know how our guild will handle TWW until we know if there are good questlines to parody.

“Huh? Oh, is it Tuesday again?”

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I’ve always enjoyed when Blizzard puts foreshadowing in their lore and doesn’t just drop something with no lead up. I am not asking if people are dropping Dragonflight for the new expansion but rather are they putting little touches as they can into their stories that may pay off later.

It is tricky with what we know so far but even little things like warlocks or shadow priests mentioning the darkness is becoming restless. Not switching gears but the most basic start of laying a foundation.


Dunno 'bout you guys, but I am really looking forward to the Anduin group therapy roleplay.

Personally speaking, I’m just waiting to see if TWW has anything in it that even vaguely piques my interest to potentially come back. Shadowlands sucked so badly I skipped all of Dragonflight (That and the fact I’m still out-dragoned from Cataclysm)

I, for one, can’t wait until I hear Chris Metzen rumble “we need to do better” in Thrall’s voice.


In all seriousness, I am hoping there will be something compelling in this xpac to drawn me back. The new mmo well is dry with only a few dim prospects on the horizon…

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cataclysm doesn’t have a toy where you can tie a bunch of whelps to yourself and float away so i think this might be the greatest expac ever made.

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We are preparing to change over in the sense of cross realm guilds being a thing.

As a Caravan we are preparing to venture into other realms as a Caravan to pickup Time Lost RPers. Getting a bunch of us from our MG guild and WrA guild into a group with alts we are rolling on other RP servers to recruit in game there is one idea we got cooked up.

I’m hoping to consolidate my MG guild and my WrA guild as well. Right now, my WrA guild has more people, but MG is more active. Once Blizz makes cross-realm recruitment a thing, we’ll decide which guild we want to recruit from and then work from there.

I’m looking forward to this. It’ll keep down the number of characters I’m leveling, since I have duplicate characters on both servers.


The guild I’m in had a void-related plotline dealing with a plot to release an ancient Cthrax, but it’s ambiguous enough to exist with or without the War Within. Void’s a constant threat on Azeroth. Is it linked? Maybe.

Speaking for myself though, I generally think it’s best to let expansions be a “surprise”. Don’t use OOC knowledge of what’s coming to pre-empt the expansion. It’s more fun to have the surprise sprung on you ICly, and to react accordingly.

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“Azeroth is Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

Have you considered spreading Managed Democracy?