Change Ulduar 4pc bonus for Fury - remove 10% damage debuff

No… only arms is garbage. Fury is slightly lower than middle of the pack. Not great, but not terrible either. Unlike ret where they’re consistently one of the lowest of the meters. Even with the buff, they only gained about 400 dps, and that’s nothing… they’re still preforming lower than any S tier, A tier or even B tier. Secondly, with Ulduar Ilvl buffs, ret’s are not as powerful as they were in OG Wrath. They’ve dropped in performance due to the Ilvl buff change. Now more classes are doing much better with DPS because of the Ilvl increase, which brought them up, but pushes ret down the ladder. Yes warriors are also being pushed down the ladder, but warriors were never great in Ulduar, ret’s used to be. This is another reason why they had received a buff.

HOWEVER with all that being said, if you read my entire argument, never once did I say that Warriors SHOULDN’T get a buff. In fact, I’ve said multiple times now that they DO need a boost.

Ret players must have been quitting, affecting the bottom line. Thats the only condition that would have induced the devs to actually buff a class in “classic”.

I don’t know if using hand of reckoning for a sliver of a dps boost equates to a 10% damage modifier.

This right here. They buffed ret because all the ret players made unholy death knights once they realized how low ret was, but then blizzard nerfed unholy death knights a little, so now a large portion of that crowd are outraged. Thus, the ret buff appeasement card was pulled.

People need to understand:

A) this buff for ret is gonna be like a 3% damage increase to the 2nd lowest spec in the game. (Note: we have to replace one of two glyphs that also give a fair increase in damage; exorcism or judgment)

B) it’s going to be reverted in ICC

I suggest playing this expansion to enjoy it, as opposed to comparing yourself to every other player, your class to every other class, and your guild to every other guild.

I’m playing casually and just got Yogg down on 10m. We will likely get Yogg on 25m tonight. At that point it’s pushing hard modes and we’ve got months to do that. If you focus on your own progress as a group of friends, which is what this game is all about, then you’ll care just a bit less about class imbalance.

I play a ret pally and unholy death knight and I still enjoy my ret pally more, regardless of the dps disparity.

ur trying to fast track a class to become power houses, rets were lower than low, your class is middle pack dps like every other class ends up in depending on xpac. ret palys, were, and i do not exaggerate this, a sad, disgusting excuse of a dps class in raiding. i got a paly friend who wouldnt even get inved to H+. u just want insane damage, so that you again, fast track yourself. that isnt class representation thats “well why cant my class be op” when you get to ICC and youre absolutely sticking it in every boss and mob pack, youre gonna be the guy who complains that every one says warriors arent broken and list the same dumb reasons why

who complains that every one says warriors are broken and list the same dumb reasons why theyre not

You realise arms is below ret dps and fury is only slightly better than ret right? Hell ret is even beating fury in some fights.



yes, and with time, theyll be fine, welcome to balancing and class evolution throughout an xpac

You can’t be serious? No competent raid will bring more than one dps warrior for an entire expansion. They bring no utility and are bottom feeder DPS.

Stacking rogues, warlocks, DKs, mages, hunters is SMART given the pre-nerf form raids are in. You need to blast through DPS checks if you want to succeed. There is no evolution going on for you guys. There is a massive gulf in DPS output between the top and bottom and this was not the case during OG Wrath. There were balance changes throughout to keep things somewhat close.

Choosing to main DPS warrior is the worst decision you can possibly make. Unfortunately for me, I am heavily invested in my char and I don’t play anything else.

If I can’t make a guild run, then I’m not getting into a PUG unless I form it. This is no longer true for retribution paladins. They now do more DPS than I do with unbelievable utility. There taunt scales really well with ArP, too. This is a huge buff increase for a class that couldn’t deal with not “evolving” like warriors. Sickening decision.

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Blizz cant be serious if they think warriors will “close the gap” lol. Maybe at like the last 3 months of the expac?
And what about ferals? Dogwater damage and worse scalling

My raid has 2. You can judge our competence for yourself if you want. I think we’re pretty decent.

Ret - not good til ICC. NEED BUFF NOW

Warr - not good til ICC. Tough luck!

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