Change to Melee Range in War Within

I haven’t seen a lot of posts regarding the upcoming changes to melee range Blizzard has made a post on. This is for War Within.

In the Wowhead article "Druid Class Changes and Developer Notes - Reducing Melee Range Talents Across Game", there is a Blue Post that says:

We are revisiting increased melee range talents across the game. These talents make the melee experience inconsistent across classes in a way we’re not happy with, so we’re removing most of them.

While this is aimed at druids, notice how they are talking about ALL talents that increase melee range and that includes ret.

Since there are paladins doing lots of testing on alpha, I was wondering if anyone could get back to us if there have been any changes yet?

I am posting this because I don’t want this future range change to be lost in the weeds.

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I don’t think they did a paladin hard pass yet. We may see the changes soon.

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They specifically gave ret more range to combat the general lack of mobility we have. If they take the range away I do hope they supplement it with some additional movement.


Wings of liberty.

Let us liberate our foes… of their lives.


This is such an important comment and point. They can’t overlook this fact. Keep our range or give us gap closers.

Commented as my Druid but yea, Ret all day!

I don’t know what you are posting for, do you want range or not want range, because I like the range and I think it’s one of the best things to ever happen to Ret.


i love the range. i run keys with a aug and i just stand next to her when i dps. my group jokes that theres no melee in our group besides the tank because of rets range. it really feels nice having the option to dps from afar as i run closer to mobs because i have no mobility. im mad there taking it from feral and i hope it stays with ret

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And no one seeing this as a bad thing from a class that is supposed to be melee.

WoW is going in the deep end for sure.

Give us a gap closer and get rid of the range, let the range players play an actual ranged class.

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considering nobody else is as slow as pallys no i dont see a single problem. give me 4-5 charges of steed if your gonna take away the range because im going to need to use them all just to keep up. hell in the uldamen key i did last night if i didnt have rets range i would have done almost no dps to the trash after the 2nd boss cause the tank just aggroed them and then took off. nothing was ever in melee range. i also stand next to the evoker as a reminder to how STUPID the range limit they have is

The range is really fun and I think it was a big W for ret. being a magical melee class it seems thematic to me. Having additional range is a real attractive reason to play the spec for me personally

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/Looks at 3 paladin lore charecters doing leaps.

Yeah… like they need to be slow when other npc paladins are not. Also, that is not an excuse for a MELEE class to be RANGED. It’s hypocritical to the class description and the history of the class.

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blizzard has destroyed classes between history and lore and such. at this point if it breaks the class description but makes my life easier im 100% for it and couldnt care less. me having fun and not wasting time is more important to me than the class description. if this is the only reason against it i see no reason against it

Then play a different class that is meant to play at a range. Stop advocating for another class to be ranged and not be fixed.

im not and never was.

or because this is how pally is maybe you should play a different class that has a shorter range if this annoys you. your the only person that seems to have a problem with this so it seems like its a YOU problem and not everyone playing ret problem

Paladins never was before DF a ranged class. It had a few ranged skills, but was primarily a melee one for most of it’s damage. This is the first expansion where paladins could do an entire rotation at range. So no, this is not how paladins paladin. thank you.

different words mean different things which is how languages evolve… i said this is how not this is how it has always been. the lack of the 2nd half means yes it changed just like holy was a caster healer and is now melee things change

There is no guarantee removing Ret’s extra range will do anything for our mobility. Legion Ret had no mobility or ranged damage. BFA and Shadowlands Ret had a bit more range thanks to HoW coming back and a bit longer lasting Holy Pony but was still considered a “wheelchair” spec.

Ehh that’s debatable. WoD Ret was very similar to current Ret.

Judge, HoW, Exo, Execution Sentence was all 30 yd range. Exo has been replaced with BoJ which has shorter range. FV went from 12 yd to 20 yd. WoD Divine Storm also had a bigger radius.

The biggest difference is damage distribution. Our ranged abilities did almost no damage in the past and only existed to generate HoPo. HoW being the exception. So while almost everything was ranged, you didn’t really do any damage outside of melee.

We’re still not a “ranged” class…

We’re not 100% optimal if we’re not in melee range. We just have lots of mod range abilities compared to other melee, but it’s been this way since vanilla, DF just made it stronger

The only things we do these days in melee is 2 abilities, CS(TS) auto attack(cssa) and DS(minus tempest)

We are going too far into ranged.