Change to Melee Range in War Within

right, which mandates us to be in melee…

Our range is just utility for a lack of mobility. whats the issue?


The issue is that we can perform our entire rotation from a range.

Or did you miss that I mentioned that several times?

Boj is 12 yards… And cstrike is melee range…, which again forces us to be in melee anyway to optimally generate holy power

And our mobility is abysmal which is why. So again what’s the problem??

If we could move like a war or have DK utility and still have this range then it’d be a problem.


I love on my ret, i can just stand outside the blob in bgs and do my full rotation

Crusader’s Reprieve- Increases the range of your Crusader Strike, Rebuke, and auto attacks by 3 yards.

At least debate in good faith. A paladin’s “melee range” is 3 yards/meters bigger than everyone else’s. That is a massive benefit to maintaining uptime while dodging mechanics.

Never mind, a good faith argument was never your intention.

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It’d be massive overkill if paladins had death grip, DK snares, and deaths advance on top of our range… What’s are you talking about??.

And yes our closest melee is technically 3 yards… Not enough to call us a ranged spec… Let’s not get petty.

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The 3 yrd range talent for CS or CSAA is a popular one but not a standard feature. Spending talent points to have it might be recommended, but certainly optional. Because someone could chose to not have it, or Final Verdict, Ret remains a melee spec. While talent builds that offer more range exist, most will take any added range they can, because steed isnt instant mobilty, often on cool down, and there is no instant mobility option for Paladins.

Tanking as Prot Paladin would be terrible if most of its abilites had a 1yd range, it isnt even meta now with the best tank range in the game.

Considering how wow is more like diablo than a mmo these days, i think more melee should have range and ranged should be able to cast while moving more often personally

games too fast paced for the archaic old game design lol


Frankly I wouldn’t be too surprised to see Final Verdict’s range either be nerfed or the ability outright removed. It is very bizarre that we lose our primary single target spender within the first couple levels after speccing Ret that for one that competes with a spender that is never taken in any level of content.

Blade of Justice’s range should be our maximum spender range, Judgment and HoW to finish off runners or to fill our downtime is their niche.

Nobody missed your comment, we just think that actually having uptime on the boss is more important than your personal flavor-text.


Ask for a gap closer, not change the class fundimentals for your uptime.

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“Archaic” and “old game design” arent bad by virtue. Id prefer we stop sliding down this slippery slope of classes becoming insane mobility ranged blobs of flashing lights. I dont wanna play diablo i want to play wow.


Nah. I really like it.


As long as they keep designing dungeons / raids with more and more stuff happening compared to the way dungeons and raids used to be, I agree with you.

Good lord, some of those nokhud pulls as melee dps… lol.


Yeah exactly lol the game is way to action oriented for us to go back to old class design.
Now if they stopped making fights and dungeons so fast paced, i’d be down for it. but otherwise that’d be horrible.

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Humbug. Be careful what you wish for.

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I certainly didn’t wish to not be a paladin, cause real fantasy paladins don’t fight at range.

Also I didn’t wish for a the ridiculous image of a person in plate not being in the front lines.

Hot take?

8yd AA / range for melee should be standard for all.

There are too many inconsistencies with hitbox VS models in game anyway.

8yd just removes these frustrations completely, at least for me.

No longer do I hear my character say “its too far away” and damn is it a relief.


I use too many macros to have error speech turned on, that would drive me mad. But if the melee standard became 8 yards they might make hunter traps and other small area abilities 8 yards too.


I mean a long as the indicator is clear, yes.