Change rank 14 Grind in WOW Fresh

Change Rank 14 Grind in WOW Fresh.

No one that has a 40 hour per week job actually gets rank 14 on a Horde Character.

It’s like literally impossible.

Change this system please.


Be a teacher of take the month off. You can get r14 no problem.

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" Yeah just change your entire career path for this video game "

This sounds viable.


Dude I’m in the exact boat you’re describing and guess what? I don’t deserve to be rank 14 because I can’t invest the time, get over it.

I hit 99% into rank 12 in og vanilla with a ft job, wife and kid. You can get pretty far if you try, but handing out rank 13&14 is not a good solution for the game


I didn’t say hand it out.

Just don’t make it literally impossible for any horde player who actually has a 40 hour per week job to get rank 14


I think they said they were going to look into the ranking system so hopefully they remove decay or something. I’m also guessing they might introduce same faction BG’s if the horde queue times are astronomical.

I don’t like them but I feel like now that they’ve implemented them into tbc and they’re making changes to som I think we will see them.


rank 14 is for the truly dedicated. your real life is preventing you from reaching your true potential. stop resisting and do what must be done.


I did it in Classic. I just couldn’t be one of the first because I did have a job, it took me an extra 6 weeks (to be honest I also only slept like 3-4 hours a night).

I’d be ok with a change for SoM though to make it a bit easier or whatever. They already said they’re looking into it.

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Just remove the awful rank system entirely.

No, I worked my butt off in classic to get HWL and I’ll do it again in Seasons.

It shouldn’t be handed to you dragonslayers on a platter, make time.


If by “worked your butt off” you mean sat around rolling pugs for 16+ hours a day, then sure, I guess you did. But I wouldn’t call that a fun or engaging system, nor should that be the method that gatekeeps getting PvP gear.


You are not wrong. The system is awful and unfun - for both premades and pugs alike.

They can try to make a decay cap which would help a lot, but overall, they need to let premades have a separate queue and convert to a currency system for purchasing gear.

The other problem is that there are only 2 tiers of pvp gear when there should really be 3-4.


The ranking system definitely needs changed, it’s such an unfun experience and the ‘bracket managers’ that formed from it are toxic and bad for the game. There’s nothing fun about WSG being basically unplayable because it’s filled with pre-mades farming honor, and there’s also nothing fun about having to grind your face into the dirt just to get PvP gear. It’s just obnoxious and by the time you get the top-end PvP gear you’re drained from PvPing.


New to the scene? The PvP elitists or no lifers has always been toxic.

Who gets to decide what’s toxic and what isn’t tho? I would love to see some statistics from a specialist studying toxicity

I don’t care what ‘experts’ or ‘specialists’ have to say, but maybe some gangbusting is needed seeing as the ‘bracket mafia’ tried to bust my buddy’s balls because he was grinding out BG faction rep and going over “their honor cap”.


If the bracket discord is on your friends tail, your friend was probably pushing 600-700k. He was playing over 14 hours a day I am sure. The point of bracket stacking is so you DO NOT have to play 20+ hours a day. If your buddy was farming that much he griefs an upwards of 10 to even 80 people depending on the bracket


It was on Stalagg so it was already a low bar they had set, and frankly it’s not his problem that playing the game (had been basically on vacation) made him break these jerks artificial limits. It gives them no right to have tried to come after him or our guild with threats of “blacklisting if he wasn’t kicked” and I’m glad my guild had the cojones to not kowtow to them. Nerd mafias having nerd spats with nerd rep farmers wouldn’t be a problem if the whole grindy system was fixed for SoM.

If that isn’t “toxic” then I don’t know what is, him playing the game without hacks, or even being very good at PvP (he was an afflic lock dotting, sbolting, and running away) breaking some geek’s gold and rank selling scheme should have lead to the bracketeers being punished.

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Lol. For someone who claims to know what’s toxic and what isn’t, bracket discord’s set caps lower on purpose, if tankers follow the caps no one has to die of blood clots in front of their computer. So toxic! Anyways, you sound super mad about it, that was probably over a year ago and you’re still seething that honor FFA will never be a thing


I could not care less about the event itself, it is old news obv because classic is old news by now, but it’s pretty easy to see that trying to muscleout players playing the game just so you can sell High Warlord spots is toxic behavior and should be handled better with the opportunity presented by SoM.