in all my 20yrs or so playing, i just noticed my toon’s turn speed seems to be a lot slower today. is this a thing? can it be somehow adjusted like the cursor/mouse?
thanks for any info.
in all my 20yrs or so playing, i just noticed my toon’s turn speed seems to be a lot slower today. is this a thing? can it be somehow adjusted like the cursor/mouse?
thanks for any info.
I noticed it too its driving me insane.
just came across this:
/console turnspeed 200
the higher the number, the faster it’ll spin. =]
Just logged in and this is happening to me too. I’ll apply the fix, but it’s weird that it happened. It was perfectly fine when I was on the game earlier this morning.
it seems the Mecha in siren isle reduce your turning speed, i found this using the command for set in 180speed and then use the mecha and it changes automatically to 60 speed
Blizz really needs to bump this. For folks who don’t use the forums, it would be almost game-breaking. Sure, almost all of us use mouse turning, but usually in conjunction with direction keys. And for folks who are differently abled and rely on keyboards… woof.
This would be to be posted in the Bug Report forum, then. QA would be the team to take a look and push it up to the developers if it wasn’t intended.
Well, you’re on the wrong forums for anyone at Blizzard to investigate the issue. As Ekon has said,
The Blizzard blues that do visit Customer Support forums are not involved with bug reports or any game development.
I keep coming across this on login randomly since about three weeks ago, and I can’t nail down what is triggering it. None of my addons have any reference to the TurnSpeed CVAR in any of their used files, and AdvancedInterfaceOptions’ CVAR Browser doesn’t even know what the source of the change is. I can only assume one of the hotfixes in December is causing this to occur.
The default value for it is 180, and relogging in place also fixes the issue in addition to just setting it with the commands listed previously. Guess I’m going to have to make AIO forcibly re-apply the value on every login for now.
I ran into this issue after logging out and back in while in the “Storm” side of Siren Isle. I did start with the mech, but leaving the mech my turn speed WAS NOT AFFECTED. It was only after I’d logged out during the storm and back in that I noticed the issue.
The “/Console Turnspeed 180” command resolved it for me.
Just happened to me as well. That command helped me
This worked for me too, but I am seeing it happen on characters that have NOT been on Siren Isle yet. Also, simply closing/relogging the same character didn’t fix it. I had to log to a different character and then back to the ‘broken’ one in order to reset my turn speed.
Very odd, but thank you for a reliable correction
glitched mech on siren isle
Still bugged. My characters will randomly have their turn speed slowed down. I just had it happen mid turn on one character as I was looking around the ringing depths.
I just had this happen to me for the first time tonight. Had to use console command to fix
This is a HORRIBLE change. I was just trying to figure it out. 10 (through the UI) is still WAY too slow.
Did you try the code posted above? 180 is the default speed, you can adjust up for down from there.
yes, originally, the code i found said 2000, which i tried and was nuts, lol.
Oh yeah - it was great, hearted that because it worked!
I was thoroughly confused when I logged on my other character… apparently that mech breaks all your characters
It’s something more than just the mech, since it happened to me while I was in the ringing depths just looking around. It’s also happened in the other zones while I was doing world quests, but so far there doesn’t seem to be any common connection to make it happen. It’s just random as far as I can tell.