I’ve narrowed it down to vehicles as well.
Not sure if its just the mech, either. My turn speed was fine yesterday, but after just logging in today, my turn speed was painfully slow.
This is happening to me as well, I must relog for the issue to go away.
It’s hard for it to be pinpointed to anything if you’re not being vigilant about checking what the cvar is actually set to. Exiting the mech on siren isle seemingly puts your turnspeed back to normal, but dumping the cvar’s value via
/dump C_CVar.GetCVar("TurnSpeed")
shows that it is often still the lower value. It will then go unnoticed until relogging, and since its account wide in scope it will also go into effect if logging into an alt. So its easy to point to the wrong thing as the culprit, though I am 100% confident that the pummeler mech on the siren isle is one of the culprits.
@blizzard why do we have to know coding to adjust look speed?
Much like it’s an addon developer that solved the “loot all not always working” issue, it’s the players that have to solve this bug.
This game is so heavily riddled with bugs that I wouldn’t mind a 48 hour shut down while they fixed everything they reasonably could. We still can’t set Garrison monuments, guild shirts don’t transmog right, and these bugs are YEARS old.
After the reset last Tuesday I can 100% reliably recreate this issue. EVERY SINGLE TIME I login after fulling backing out of the game (to desktop) the first character I login to will have super slow turn speed (A and D keys). If I logout to the character select screen then login it goes away but that doesn’t stop me from being insanely annoyed by it.
/console turnspeed ###
Doesn’t save for me. I tried multiple ways, /reload, input into config file etc but it’ll go back to slower turn speeds after switching toons/logging out
I like 330
Run the get cvar command after to see if it’s properly set
/dump C_CVar.GetCVar("TurnSpeed")
You can also try setting it with the set cvar command instead of /console.
/run C_CVar.SetCVar("TurnSpeed", 330)
It shouldn’t be necessary but people have to workaround the bugs that will never get fixed.
Thank you so much!
Okay, ill give that a try. Hopefully it stays this time lol
I find after patches or swapping toons some days the turnspeed turns way down. I solved it by just making a macro I keep on my hotbar
/console turnspeed 450
I find anything beyond 450 is pointless, my reaction time isn’t on point some days, but as a WASD user it helps when maneuvering when there is bad stuff on the floor
Yeah it worked for awhile but as usual, something makes it reset…
the tr-06 pummeler on the siren isle is the only one I know of that will constantly reset it