Change faction doesn't work

I paid for faction change and it doesn’t work. I made sure I was logged into the proper realm, I walk through the process and at the end it just says it can’t change the faction. This is a pretty fricking expensive service to not work.

How can I resolve this because the game doesn’t even give you the ability to open a ticket anymore.

Did you recently complete another service, race change or boost? Could be on lockout for that, believe it is 72 hours.

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No haven’t done anything in a few months.

Are you in a community? That error should be specific.


Here are some of the things that can block a faction change. A purchase failure ticket might help diagnose exactly why.


No I’m not in any community or guild. I mostly play solo.

Send in a “Purchase Failure” ticket. They will be able to assist with hopefully identifying the issue and come up with a way to rectify it.