Chances of finding a raiding guild

I’m going to power level a daggers rogue. Whats the chances of finding a raiding guild on Whitemane alliance? I find there’s more normal guilds on alliance side (NON GDKP) Then horde. all horde wants to do is gdkp. so im going to reroll. (Classic era)

All of Era is gdkp/p2w. You won’t find a real guild there.

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is it really that bad? i just wanna enjoy classic era :stuck_out_tongue:

It really is. I levelled 3 characters to 60 trying to find a way to enjoy it, but there are 0 raid spots for people who don’t want to shell out thousands of gold per week.

Turtle WoW is probably a better option at this point.

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that’s really sad, no i don’t know what to do :frowning:

What about the PvE cluster?

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Pride of the Alliance is always recruiting for raids and PvP. Two raid teams. SR loot.

There’s a ton of guilds that’s aren’t doing gdkp’s. Just need to spend a bit of time to look.

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I can only speak for the PvE Alliance cluster associated with Pagle. One that cluster there are many Alliance guilds raiding that are not GDKP. In fact, there are 2 guilds currently recruiting players for progression starting in MC.

Good luck and have fun.

While there is lots of GDKP due to the messed-up AH prices there is plenty of guilds that run SR raids just a matter of gearing up enough to get into one.

If you’re looking to get away from the GDKP toxic meta culture, feel free to check out Legacy on Grobbulus Allliance side. We are looking for 5 more players to finish up on Naxx and continue to play vanilla wow into the future :slight_smile:


theres a few 2sr guilds on horde side as weel as one or 2 loot council guilds. the big problem is the class you loved to play just isnt in demand. if you where a shaman, warlock, or dps warrior theyd be fighting over you.

GDKP/ LC light is the best for progression based raiding. However, you’d be pleased with the state of things on PVE Alliance cluster. Most are 2SR and mediocrity is celebrated as 10-15 heavily geared very skilled players give you a guided tour of Classic Era Raids. Just have to know how to rub elbows.

rogue is tough gotta be really good since there so many looking for raid spots

Think you need to go to a pve to get non-gdkp but loot is much in demand due to how little there is.

I can add commentary for the PvE Horde side. I know of a few guilds that are raiding actively and are not GDKP based. It’s not all doom and gloom like some will have you believe.

I’m having the same issue. I don’t even raid because there is only gdkp stuff. I don’t know how they are getting so much gold I can’t even buy my lvl 40 mount

So from what im gathering here is,
Rogue is off the table. i ain’t finding a guild as a rogue unless i spent hundreds of thousands of gold. and there’s only like 2-3 classes/specs that people actually want? This is kinda crappy ngl :frowning:

Rogues are still in demand for progression guilds on PVE clusters.

Majority of guilds are still recruiting members, especially good ones. Most of guilds are in AQ40 and Naxx progression, so you have less competition on MC loots. There are 3 types of guilds: SR, LC, and GDKP. I would recommend gdkp guilds as they are the safest choice.
Gold inflation is out of control right now, so it will be a pain for new players to catch up. But on the good side, you can easily afford mount when you hit 40, 60.
The only downside of being rogue is it’s in less demand than warrior and you have to compete with a lot of swipers on loot.